
dashboard as a code with Grafana!

Primary LanguageJsonnet

dashboard as a code with grafonnet/jsonnet

Demo about how to create/build/deploy dashboards to grafana using jsonnet and grafonnet.



  • templates/logs/dash_loki_kubernetes.jsonnet: dashboard to view logs collected by loki from kubernetes
  • templates/samples/dash_sample: sample dash with a text panel


To run locally

  1. Clone the grafonnet repository:
    git clone https://github.com/grafana/grafonnet-lib.git

Your current directory would look something like this:

├── grafonnet-lib
└── dashboard_logs.jsonnet
  1. To build a dashboard from a jsonnet file:
    jsonnet -J grafonnet-lib templates/samples/dash_sample.jsonnet

This will generate a .json file that can be used to import into Grafana

To run inside the pipeline

This repo use github action to build the .json file, check the github-actions.yml file.
