
Programming Assignment 2 for JHU Data Science's R Programming course on Coursera

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains the solution to Programming Assignment 2 from the R Programming course in the Data Science track from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, offered through Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/specialization/jhudatascience/1

Example Usage

Basic usage

> m <- matrix(rnorm(25), 5)     # Create a 5x5 matrix of random numbers
> cache <- makeCacheMatrix(m)   # Create the cache list
> cache$get()                   # Returns the original matrix
> cacheSolve(cache)             # Computes the matrix inverse
> cacheSolve(cache)             # Again, but from cache.  Will see output
                                #    "getting cached data"

Demonstrate caching performance:

> x <- 2000
> m <- matrix(rnorm(x^2), x)
> c <- makeCacheMatrix(m)
> t <- system.time(cacheSolve(c))
> t
   user  system elapsed 
 23.930   0.073  24.122 
> t <- system.time(cacheSolve(c))
getting cached data
> t
   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0