
Shortcuts to add and remove TODO: to lines in files being edited with Vim

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


vim-todo is a Vim plugin that adds shortcuts to add and remove TODO: to lines in files.


This plugin is packaged for use with Vundle. This plugin requires Vim to be compiled with Python support.

Install Vundle and then add 'edthedev/vim-rst' to your .vimrc.:

Bundle 'edthedev/vim-todo'

Then, from within Vim, run BundleInstall.:



Enable the built in keyboard mappings with:

let g:vim_todo_keys = 1

Keyboard Mappings

Default shortcut mappings are:

  1. Toggle the current line between TODO, DONE, WAITING, and WONT. A line with none of those will gain TODO: at the beginning.:

  2. List all TODO lines in the current buffer:

  3. Display completion count of TODO and DONE lines for the current buffer. i.e. Completed: 1/4:


Syntax Highlighting

This syntax highlighting depends on very simple markdown-like checklists.

Location 1, Person 1
[ ] Item 1 [ ] Item 2 [x] Completed Item
Location 2, Person 2
[x] Completed Item [ ] Item 1 [x] Completed Item

This plugin will automatically apply the syntax highlighting to files named *.todo.

The syntax highlighting is thanks to https://github.com/tomswartz07/vim-todo