
A client library for getting your content out of Rooftop CMS with Ruby.

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A mixin for Ruby classes to access the Rooftop CMS REST API: http://www.rooftopcms.com



You can either install using Bundler or just from the command line.


Include this in your gemfile

gem 'rooftop'

That's it! This is in active development so you might prefer:

gem 'rooftop', github: "rooftop/rooftop-ruby"

Using Gem

As simple as:

gem install rooftop


You need to configure Rooftop with a block, like this

    Rooftop.configure do |config|
        config.url = "http://yoursite.rooftopcms.io"
        config.api_token = "your token"
        config.api_path = "/wp-json/wp/v2/"
        config.user_agent = "Rooftop CMS Ruby client #{Rooftop::VERSION} (http://github.com/rooftopcms/rooftop-ruby)"
        config.extra_headers = {custom_header: "foo", another_custom_header: "bar"}
        config.advanced_options = {} #for future use

The minimum options you need to include are url and api_token.


Create a class in your application, and mix in some (or all) of the rooftop modules to interact with your remote content.


The Rooftop::Post mixin lets you specify a post type, so the API differentiates between types. If you don't set a post type, it defaults to posts.

class MyCustomPostType
    include Rooftop::Post
    self.post_type = "my_custom_post_type" #this is the singular post type name in Wordpress


The Rooftop::Page mixin identifies this class as a page.

class Page
    include Rooftop::Page

Field coercions

Sometimes you want to do something with a field after it's returned. For example, it would be useful to parse date strings to DateTime.

To coerce one or more fields, call a class method in your class and pass a lambda which is called on the field.

class MyCustomPostType
    include Rooftop::Post
    self.post_type = "my_custom_post_type"
    coerce_field date: ->(date) { DateTime.parse(date)}

Object dates are coerced automatically

The created date field is coerced to a DateTime. It's also aliased to created_at

The modification date is also coerced to a DateTime. It's also aliased to updated_at


Reading data

Lots! Here's a flavour:

  • Preview mode. Rooftop supports passing a preview header to see content in draft. We'll expose that in the rooftop gem as a constant.
  • Taxonomies will be supported and side-loaded against content
  • Menus are exposed by Rooftop. We need to create a Rooftop::Menu mixin
  • Hypermedia links need to resolve to the right place. At the moment calling .links on an object returns a Rooftop::ResourceLinks::Collection which is a good start.
  • Media: media is exposed by the API, and should be accessible and downloadable.

Writing Data

If your API user in Rooftop has permission to write data, the API will allow it, and so should this gem. At the moment all the code is theoretically in place but untested.


Rooftop and its libraries are open-source and we'd love your input.

  1. Fork the repo on github
  2. Make whatever changes / extensions you think would be useful
  3. If you've got lots of commits, rebase them into sensible squashed chunks
  4. Raise a PR on the project

If you have a real desire to get involved, we're looking for maintainers. [Let us know!](mailto: hello@rooftopcms.com).


Rooftop Ruby is a library to allow you to connect to Rooftop CMS, the API-first WordPress CMS for developers and content creators.

Copyright 2015 Error Ltd.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.