
YouTrack extension for Visual Studio Code

Primary LanguageTypeScript

YouTrack Extension README

Issue list and git integrated task extension for YouTrack Issue management tool.

Step by Step Installation

  1. Install extension in VSCode extension manager (View -> Extensions) and reload VSCode.

  2. Open settings menu and write custom settings. (View->Command Palette->User Settings)

  3. Open Command Palette (View->Command Palette) and write Youtrack: Issue List

  4. Open any issue click "Open Issue" link on Youtrack List side. Extension create git branch automatically and checkout this branch. Issue "State" field value changed to "In Progress" on Youtrack.

  5. You finish work in this issue, open command palette and write "Youtrack: Close Issue". Extension merge git branch to base branch and issue "State" field value changed to "Fixed" on Youtrack.

Extension supported functionalty like a webstorm youtrack extension functionalty.


  • Issue list.
  • Issue search query. (YQL)
  • Automaticly create branch in issue opened.
  • Issue state change on issue opened. (State=Inprogress)
  • Issue state change on issue closed. (State=Fixed)
  • Automaticly merge branch to parent branch in issue closed.


Extension Settings

Any few settings for extension.

  • youtrack.userName: YouTrack user name.
  • youtrack.password: YouTrack password.
  • youtrack.host: YouTrack server host address. Eg: xyz.jetbrains.com
  • youtrack.path: YouTrack server path. Eg: /youtrack
  • youtrack.filter: YouTrack search query. It's using on issue list. Eg: (assigned to: me or Assignee: me) and #Unresolved and sort by: updated

Known Issues

Please issue on github.

Release Notes


First release.


Step by step installation guide and bug fixed.
