[Hacking With Swift projects]- Status: Ongoing
Updated: Aug 20. 2020
P1: Intro to Tableviews and loading pictures as UIimage in another viewController.
P2: Guess the flags game. Intro to buttons, animation, nagivation bar.
P3: Updated project 1 to add function to share image via UIActivityViewController.
P4: Easy browser app, intro to WKWebView, URLRequest, UIToolBar, UIProgressView and key-value observing. View websites from a drop down list, and using decisionHandler and navigationDeligate to control access.( also includes 4-3, it's basically project 4 in tableView format. )
P5: Word game, create other words using the letters in word given. Intro to closure.
P6: Intro to autoLayout using both Visual Format Language , and Anchors.
P7: Whitehouse Petitions app, intro to JSON parsing.
P8: Word-guessing game using buttons.
P9: I didn't upload this one. It is an intro to Grand Central Dispatch and DispatchQueue
P10: An app that allows you to upload or snap a photo and add a caption. Intro to UIcollectionView and UIimagePickerController.
P11: Pachinko game. Intro to SpriteKit framework.
P12: I didn't upload this one. It is an intro to userDefaults, saving data and user settings for later use.
P13: Instafilter app, upload a photo and apply filters to it. Intro to Core Image and UISlider. Save to photos when done.
P14: Whack-a-Penguin game on spriteKit.
P15: Basic animations. As you can see I REALLY LOVE pikachu.
P16: Intro to Mapkit ! SO FUN.
P17: Space race game on Ipad. Intro to concepts such as Per-pixel collision detection, linear and angular damping. Rocket science ;)
P18: I didn't upload this one. It is an intro to debugging.
P19: Javascript Injection, Intro to Safari extension and UITextView.
P20: Fireworks game on Ipad. Select fireworks of the same color and shake your ipad to explode.
P21: Intro to notifications, UNUSerNotificationCenter and UNNotificationRequest.
P24: Working with Strings, NSAttributedString.
P25: Working with Multipeer Networking, MCSession, MCBrowserViewController
P26: SpriteKit - Marble Maze Game ( IPAD only)
P27: Working with CoreGraphics
P28: Working with faceID and touchID, device Keychain
P29: PENDING*** (spriteKit game exploding Monkey)
P30: Intro to Instruments and more practice to debugging
P31: Intro to multi-browsers and stackViews.
Cons 1: Challange project, consolidation of P1-3,to create tableview listing all flags, opening each image in another viewController, and share image using UIActivityViewController.
Cons 2: Challange project, consolidation of P4-6,to create shopping list using tableViews, textfield, alert, and ability to share list using UIActivityViewController.
Cons 3: Challange project, consolidation of P7-9, to create a hangman word game. <>
Cons 4: Challange project, consolidation of P10-12, to create a digital disposable camera. Let user snap a photo, add a caption and view whenever. The photos will be shown in a table view, users can tap on the photo to open it in a new view controller.
Cons 5: PENDING*** Challange project, consolidation of P13-15.
Cons 6: Challange project, consolidation of P16-18. Haunted house game, tap on ghost to explode them.
Cons 7: Challange project, consolidation of P19-21. IOS notes.
Cons 8: Challange project, consolidation of P22-24. Extensions practice
Cons 9: Challange project, consolidation of P25-27. Core Graphics practice
1: "Me & You": a word guessing project I made for a special somebody.