
Simple, pretty, minimal, customizable and fast ZSH prompt

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Simple, pretty, minimal, customizable and fast ZSH prompt based on @sindresorhus's Pure

Simpl demo


Most prompts are cluttered, ugly and slow. I wanted something minimalist and visually pleasing that stayed out of my way.


  • Comes with the perfect prompt character Author went through the whole Unicode range to find it
  • Shows git branch and whether it's dirty (with a *)
  • Indicates when you have unpushed/unpulled git commits with ⇡⇣ arrows (Check is done asynchronously!)
  • Prompt character turns red if the last command didn't exit with 0
  • Command execution time will be displayed if it exceeds the set threshold
  • Username and host only displayed when in an SSH session
  • Host and username can be displayed on the right side of the screen (RPROMPT)
  • Host can be displayed as a symbol for easy identification or a e s t h e t i c s
  • Shows the current path in the title and the current folder & command when a process is running
  • Makes an excellent starting point for your own custom prompt
  • Support VI-mode indication by changing the cursor shape _ for insert mode and for command mode
  • Very customizable


My prompt consist of 3 parts, the main left-sided prompt just with a prompt character so I have room for long commands, a pre-left-sided prompt to display the main context (user, host, pwd, git info, exec time, background jobs), and an optional right-sided prompt that dissapears when text goes over it or line is accepted.

This structure makes it easy to read for me as I can identify easily the executed commands and working directories through the scrollback buffer due to its fixed position in the line. Since the prompt is splited in 2 lines it works well on small windows. This is perfect to me as I always end up working with multiple kitty/tmux panes.

To keep it simple I just support the features I use on a daily basis, so this prompt won't be cluttered with fancy and useless battery indicators.


Simpl supports customization by setting environment variables. Once finished with the customization, source the script.

Option Description Default value
SIMPL_ALWAYS_SHOW_USER Always show username even if not in an SSH session 0
SIMPL_ALWAYS_SHOW_USER_AND_HOST Always show username and host even if not in an SSH session 0
SIMPL_CMD_MAX_EXEC_TIME The max execution time of a process before its run time is shown when it exits 5 second
SIMPL_ENABLE_RPROMPT Enable right prompt to display user and host there 0
SIMPL_GIT_DELAY_DIRTY_CHECK Time in seconds to delay git dirty checking when git status takes > 5 seconds 1800 seconds
SIMPL_GIT_PULL Check whether the current Git remote has been updated 1
SIMPL_GIT_UNTRACKED_DIRTY Include untracked files in dirtiness check. Mostly useful on large repos (like WebKit). 1


Option Description Default value
SIMPL_GIT_DIRTY_SYMBOL Defines the symbol for dirty git branches *
SIMPL_GIT_DOWN_ARROW Defines the git down arrow symbol
SIMPL_GIT_UP_ARROW Defines the git up arrow symbol
SIMPL_JOBS_SYMBOL Defines the background jobs symbol
SIMPL_PROMPT_ROOT_SYMBOL Defines the prompt symbol when logged in as root #
SIMPL_PROMPT_SYMBOL Defines the prompt symbol


Option Description Default value
SIMPL_DIR_COLOR Defines color for the current working directory %F{magenta}
SIMPL_EXEC_TIME_COLOR Defines color for the max execution time of a process %B%F{8}
SIMPL_GIT_ARROW_COLOR Defines color for both git arrows symbol %B%F{9}
SIMPL_GIT_BRANCH_COLOR Defines color for the git branch symbol %F{14}
SIMPL_GIT_DIRTY_COLOR Defines color for the git dirty symbol %F{9}
SIMPL_HOST_COLOR Defines color for the host %F{10}
SIMPL_HOST_SYMBOL_COLOR Defines color for the host symbol %B%F{10}
SIMPL_JOBS_COLOR Defines color for the background jobs %B%F{8}
SIMPL_PREPOSITION_COLOR Defines color for all the prepositions %F{8}
SIMPL_PROMPT_SYMBOL_COLOR Defines color for the prompt symbol %F{11}
SIMPL_PROMPT_SYMBOL_ERROR_COLOR Defines color for the prompt symbol when last command didn't exit with 0 %F{red}
SIMPL_PROMPT2_SYMBOL_COLOR Defines color for the prompt2 symbol %F{8}
SIMPL_USER_COLOR Defines color for the username %F{10}
SIMPL_USER_ROOT_COLOR Defines color for the username when logged in as root %B%F{red}
SIMPL_VENV_COLOR Defines color for the python virtualenv %F{yellow}

Username and host (or a symbol if applicable)

If you are more of the visual type then you can replace the hostname with a symbol of your liking. Declare the env var SIMPL_HOST_SYMBOL_MAPas an associative array to map each host to a symbol.

Right prompt disabled Right prompt enabled
Simpl username and host Simpl username and host in the right-side prompt
Simpl username and host symbol Simpl username and host symbol in the right-side prompt


# .zshrc
autoload -U promptinit; promptinit

# Declare the associative array to map each host to a symbol
  lavos ""
  htpc "Ħ"

# optionally define some options

prompt simpl



  1. Either…

  2. Symlink simpl.zsh to somewhere in $fpath with the name prompt_simpl_setup.

  3. Symlink async.zsh in $fpath with the name async.


  1. Symlink (or copy) simpl.zsh to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/simpl.zsh-theme.
  2. Symlink (or copy) async.zsh to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/async.zsh.
  3. Set ZSH_THEME="simpl" in your .zshrc file.
  4. Do not enable the following (incompatible) plugins: vi-mode, virtualenv.

NOTE: oh-my-zsh overrides the prompt so Simpl must be activated after source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh.


Update your .zshrc file with the following two lines (order matters). Do not use the antigen theme function.

antigen bundle mafredri/zsh-async
antigen bundle eduarbo/simpl


Update your .zshrc file with the following two lines (order matters):

antibody bundle mafredri/zsh-async
antibody bundle eduarbo/simpl


Update your .zshrc file with the following two lines:

zplug mafredri/zsh-async, from:github
zplug eduarbo/simpl, use:simpl.zsh, from:github, as:theme


Update your .zshrc file with the following two lines (order matters):

zplugin light mafredri/zsh-async
zplugin light eduarbo/simpl


In the screenshot you see Simpl running in kitty with a custom theme and Hack font.


Simpl MIT © Eduardo Ruiz
Pure MIT © Sindre Sorhus