
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

duda License: MIT

Django React Boilerplate


A Django project boilerplate/template with lots of state of the art libraries and tools like:

For continuous integration, a CircleCI configuration .circleci/config.yml is included.

Also, includes a Heroku app.json and a working Django production.py settings, enabling easy deployments with 'Deploy to Heroku' button. Those Heroku plugins are included in app.json:

  • PostgreSQL, for DB
  • Redis, for Celery
  • Sendgrid, for e-mail sending
  • Papertrail, for logs and platform errors alerts (must set them manually)

This is a good starting point for modern Python/JavaScript web projects.



  • Inside the backend folder, do the following:
  • Create a copy of duda/settings/local.py.example:
     cp duda/settings/local.py.example duda/settings/local.py
  • Create a copy of .env.example: cp .env.example .env

If you are using plain python:

  • Create the migrations for users app: python manage.py makemigrations
  • Run the migrations: python manage.py migrate

If you are using Docker:

  • Create the migrations for users app:
    docker-compose run --rm backend python manage.py makemigrations
  • Run the migrations: docker-compose run --rm backend python manage.py migrate


Running the project (without docker)

  • Open a command line window and go to the project's directory.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  • npm install
  • npm run start
  • Open another command line window.
  • workon theprojectname or source theprojectname/bin/activate depending on if you are using virtualenvwrapper or just virtualenv.
  • Go to the backend directory.
  • python manage.py runserver

Running the project (with docker)

  • Open a command line window and go to the project's directory.
  • docker-compose up -d To access the logs for each service run docker-compose logs -f service_name (either backend, frontend, etc)


  • Open a command line window and go to the project's directory
  • workon theprojectname or source theprojectname/bin/activate depending on if you are using virtualenvwrapper or just virtualenv.
  • python manage.py celery


make test

Will run django tests using --keepdb and --parallel. You may pass a path to the desired test module in the make command. E.g.:

make test someapp.tests.test_views

Adding new pypi libs

Add the libname to either requirements.in or dev-requirents.in, then either upgrade the libs with make upgrade or manually compile it and then, install. pip-compile requirements.in > requirements.txt or make upgrade pip install -r requirements.txt

Cleaning example code

Before you start creating your own apps remove the example:

  • Run the command make clean_examples in order to clean up the example apps from the front and backend.
  • Deregister the example app by removing 'exampleapp.apps.ExampleappConfig' from backend/duda/settings/base.py.
  • Adjust backend/duda/urls.py to point to your newly created Django app and remove the path configuration that redirects to the deleted example app.



This project comes with an app.json file, which can be used to create an app on Heroku from a GitHub repository.

After setting up the project, you can init a repository and push it on GitHub. If your repository is public, you can use the following button:


If you are in a private repository, access the following link replacing $YOUR_REPOSITORY_LINK$ with your repository link.

  • https://heroku.com/deploy?template=$YOUR_REPOSITORY_LINK$

Remember to fill the ALLOWED_HOSTS with the URL of your app, the default on heroku is appname.herokuapp.com. Replace appname with your heroku app name.


Sentry is already set up on the project. For production, add SENTRY_DSN environment variable on Heroku, with your Sentry DSN as the value.

You can test your Sentry configuration by deploying the boilerplate with the sample page and clicking on the corresponding button.

Sentry source maps for JS files

The bin/post_compile script has a step to push Javascript source maps to Sentry, however some environment variables need to be set on Heroku.

You need to enable Heroku dyno metadata on your Heroku App. Use the following command on Heroku CLI:

  • heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a <app name>

The environment variables that need to be set are:

After enabling dyno metadata and setting the environment variables, your next Heroku Deploys will create a release on Sentry where the release name is the commit SHA, and it will push the source maps to it.


  • Manually with prospector and npm run lint on project root.
  • During development with an editor compatible with prospector and ESLint.

Pre-commit hooks

  • Run pre-commit install to enable the hook into your git repo. The hook will run automatically for each commit.
  • Run git commit -m "Your message" -n to skip the hook if you need.

Opinionated Settings

Some settings defaults were decided based on Vinta's experiences. Here's the rationale behind them:


We believe Celery tasks should be idempotent. So for us it's safe to set CELERY_ACKS_LATE = True to ensure tasks will be re-queued after a worker failure. Check Celery docs on "Should I use retry or acks_late?" for more info.


If you wish to contribute to this project, please first discuss the change you wish to make via an issue.

Check our contributing guide to learn more about our development process and how you can test your changes to the boilerplate.

Commercial Support

This project, as other Vinta open-source projects, is used in products of Vinta clients. We are always looking for exciting work, so if you need any commercial support, feel free to get in touch: contact@vinta.com.br

Copyright (c) 2020 Vinta Serviços e Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda.

MIT License