GoBarber is an amazing web application for managing beauty services establishments. Providers can check their own calendar and check their previous or next appointments.
- Node.js (framework ExpressJS) - REST API
- ESLint, Prettier and EditorConfig
- JWT Authentication
- Reactotron
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize (ORM) / Migrations (DB versioning)
- Mongoose
- MongoDB - used to store appointment notifications
- Nodemailer
- Redis - used to store mail queues
- Bee-Queue - manage mail queues
- Date-fns - lib to deal with dates
- ReactJS
- Flux architecture (Redux and Redux Saga) - manage global states
- Reactotron
- Hooks
- Axios - REST API communication
- React Router DOM
- Unform
- Yup - Schema validation (forms)
- Styled Components
- Login
- Appointments (Provider)
- Profile
- Notifications tab