
A guide on testing Vue components and applications

Primary LanguageVue

English | 日本語 | Русский | 简体中文

Vue Testing Handbook

Welcome to the Vue Testing Handbook!

What is this?

This is a collection of short, focused examples on how to test Vue components. It uses vue-test-utils, the official library for testing Vue components, and Jest, a modern testing framework. It covers the vue-test-utils API, as well as best practises and useful parts of the Jest API for testing Vue components. A working demo project with the examples is also included, which you can pull down and run yourself.


The handbook is written in English. We have a Russian and Japanese translation in progress. Please make an issue if you would like to translate the book into your own language!



Vuepress is used to generate the static website. Articles are written in markdown.

Clone the repo and run yarn to install the dependencies. Then run yarn dev to open the dev server. Access it on localhost:8080.

To edit a guide, update the code in the src directory. The markdown files are converted to HTML when deployed – no need to edit those.