
Simple Hospital Appointment App with React and Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hospital Appointment

Hospital Appointment is a Appointment Management System made with Node.js & React.
Patients can create hospital appointments to departments and doctors they choose.
Doctors can open and close appointments, diagnose patients and choose diseases form completed appointments.


  • Clone Project
$ git clone https://github.com/erentnr/hospital-appointment.git
  • Install dependencies and start both client and backend server
$ cd server
$ npm i
$ npm start
$ cd ..
$ cd client
$ npm i
$ npm start
  • Go to localhost:3000


  • Server Side: Node.js, Express

  • Client Side: React.js, Axios

  • Database: MongoDB

Deployed Demo

Deployed demo will be at here when it is ready.

For Patient:

  • email: patient@mail.com
  • password: patient

For Doctor:

  • username: doctor@mail.com
  • password: doctor

API Reference

The backend and frontend communicate through REST Apis. On the frontend, we make Axios requests to the following routes:


URI Method Operation
api/users get get all users
api/users/:id get get a user
api/users/:id put update a user
api/users/:id delete delete a user


URI Method Operation
api/auth/register post create a new account
api/auth/login post login to an account
api/auth/logout post logout from an account


URI Method Operation
api/departments get get all departments
api/departments post create a new departments
api/departments/:id get get a department
api/departments/:id put update a department
api/departments/:id delete delete a department


URI Method Operation
api/appointments get get all appointments
api/appointments post create a new appointment
api/appointments/:id get get an appointment
api/appointments/:id put update an appointment
api/appointments/:id/status put update an appointment status


URI Method Operation
api/diseases get get all diseases
api/diseases post create a new disease
api/diseases/:id get get a disease
api/diseases/:id put update a disease
api/diseases/:id delete delete a diseases

