
Android Last.fm scrobbler

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

##Android WAIL Beta — nice last.fm scrobbler WAIL — What am I listening

Android last.fm scrobbler and "now playing" updater

Get WAIL on the Google Play!

Main develop branch build status on Travis CI: Build Status

Also, here is tasks dashboard on Waffie.io -> Tasks Dashboard: Tasks ready to work on

How it looks:

Main screen


Captured tracks list

Settings screen


Sound notifications

##Main features:

  • Scrobbling tracks to the last.fm (even if you are offline, WAIL will send them later)
  • Updating #nowplaying
  • Sound notifications

###BEFORE CONTRIBUTING TO THE WAIL APP! Please read small wiki about commits style guides, git work flow and sources styleguides -> WIKI

Questions and answers:

  • Why repo has small amount of commits? — Because original repo has my personal data, which I decided to remove before making WAIL Open Source. I decided to not use git filter-branch or bfg to delete these files, so I just created new repo with source code. Sorry guys, about ~250 commits losted...
  • Why you have last.fm secret api keys in Open Source project? — Just because it's very easy to decompile the apk and get them from it, so, please do not use them for evil purposes :)
  • Will WAIL be released to Google Play with your fixes? — YES, of course! This is the main purpose of making WAIL Open Source project, I have no time to work on it, so I hope you will help WAIL!