Sky (Middle-back) end Unattended Test


A ground-breaking broadcaster has decided to reward its most loyal customers. A software engineering team, developing the customer account website, is working on the story below.

User Story

Display customer's available rewards

As a customer, if I am eligible for rewards, then I want to see which rewards are available based on my channel subscriptions.

The Account Management team has partnered with the Customer Status team that provides a service that checks the customer eligibility based on loyalty and billing status.


You are required to provide an implementation of a RewardsService in javascript as a single function, e.g.:

function rewardsService({ customerAccountNumber, portfolio, eligibilityService }) {
    // ...amazing code

    return {
        data: [],

Please structure your app as follows

  • app
    • redeemService.js
    • constants.js (for simplicity you may also put any stubs or object mappings in here)
    • redeemService-test.js
    • package.json
    • .node-version

The service accepts as input; a customer account number, a portfolio containing channels subscriptions and the eligibilityService as a function to be called. If the customer is eligible for rewards the RewardsService should return a list of all the rewards available according to the subscriptions on the portfolio.

The code should be evaluated via tests (e.g npm run tests). Please do not build a runnable server (i.e a Koa or Express app)

Additional Information

The following table describes the codes for the channel subscriptions and the associated rewards.

Channel Reward

The Customer Status team is currently developing the EligibilityService which accepts the account number as an input. You are required to provide a mock or stub of the EligibilityService interface such that in your tests you can stub the different responses given back from this service.

EligibilityService output RewardsService result
CUSTOMER_ELIGIBLE Return relevant rewards according to the customer's portfolio
Technical failure exception Return no rewards
Invalid account number exception Return no rewards and notify the client that the account number is invalid

What we look at

  • We're interested in your comfort using Javascript here.
  • Please do not spend more than one or two hours on this part of the assessment.
  • Please do not use any additional packages, with the exception of any dev dependencies to aid you such as linting or testing frameworks.
  • Please do not use Babel or typescript, however you are welcome to use whichever version of node you would like (but please include a .node-version file so we know which version to test against)
  • Please include a with any assumptions and design decisions you have made.