
Client-side route-matching lib for ClojureScript.

Primary LanguageClojure


snout is a library for doing client-side route-matching (like Clout's) in ClojureScript.


Simply add this to your leiningen deps: [snout "0.1.0"]


The documentation can be found here: http://eduardoejp.github.com/snout/


Currently the library is divided into 2 namespaces: core: It's where the history object resides, along with the matching functionality and fns for getting and setting the current token (i.e. URL fragment identifier). macros: It's where the defroute macro resides.


(ns my.ns
  (:require [snout.core :as snout])
  (:use-macros [snout.macros :only [defroute]]))

; This route would match /my/route/clojure?arg2=clj&arg3=cljs
(defroute "/my/route/:arg1" [arg1 arg2 arg3]
  (js/alert (str "It works!: " (pr-str arg1 arg2 arg3))))

; Let's test it!
(snout/set-token! "/my/route/clojure?arg2=clj&arg3=cljs")

; And we can also get the current token...
(def tok (snout/get-token))