
An ETL for League of Leagends API

Primary LanguageRuby


Gravity is the project responsible for get data from LoL API and store them in NoSQL database. This project was a part of a bigger one that I was participating with some friends :)


As you can see, we have two databases: lol_dirty_data and lol_clean_data. The reason for it is the type of datas that we manipulate: dirty and clean datas.

Dirty data

LoL Matches’ data has a lot of informations that, most of them, we aren’t going to use for now. I called this data as dirty.

Imagine a stone that inside has a diamond. We want the diamond, not the entire stone. But we need the stone to get the diamond. That’s the point. lol_dirty_data store brute data (stones with diamonds).

Gravity is like a miner: it just insert data in lol_dirty_data. It collects stones for other applications that know how to extract diamonds from stones.

Clean data

Our other database is lol_clean_data, where the diamonds are placed.

All data treated by our applications should be stored in it. The applications should load datas from lol_dirty_data or others integration, compile them and store in lol_clean_data.

Gravity will not insert data in lol_clean_data.

Data types

Nowadays Gravity load two data types: seed files and recent games.

Seed files

Seed files are a compilation of aleatory matches that LoL team offers to new developers. It's the easiest way to understand the data's struct. Those files are updated every 3 months or when data's struct is modified. Seed files are stored in collection seed_match.

Recent games

Recent games came from a LoL API's service (game endpoint) that returns the last 10 games played from a summoner. Recent gmaes are stored in collection recent_game.


Install MongoDB:

Then install Bundler

Now you can clone Gravity:

git clone https://github.com/eduardoeof/gravity.git

On Gravity's dir, install gems:

bundle install

Run bitch, run!

On terminal, run MongoDB:


Gravity needs summonerIds to load recent games. For this, create file create_summoners.js with:

db = db.getSiblingDB('lol_clean_data')
    { name: "LEP",      summonerId: "1634366"  },
    { name: "Minerva",  summonerId: "9480188"  },
    { name: "tinowns",  summonerId: "20410406" },
    { name: "pbo",      summonerId: "15723636" },
    { name: "wOs",      summonerId: "761032"   },
    { name: "Yang",     summonerId: "488056"   },
    { name: "Revolta",  summonerId: "1876119"  },
    { name: "Tockers",  summonerId: "21894688" },
    { name: "micao",    summonerId: "16404993" },
    { name: "Jockster", summonerId: "22594355" }

Then execute the file from mongo shell client:

mongo create_summoners.js

Then go to Gravity's dir and execute:


Also can be used arguments to load specific datas:

  • -g or --game: load just recent games.
  • -s or --seed: load just seed files.
  • -a or --all: load recent games and seed files.
./gravity -g

Finally, don't forget

Eat your vegetables.