
A classic classification problem. Where the challenge is to minimize a company's maintenance costs.

Primary LanguagePython



Challenge ML

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  • Minimize the costs from a company with Maintance
  • Build a scalable machine learning model with integrated and open tested pipelines using Kedro


The data is Split in Validation Dataset (2020) and Train Dataset (Pre 2020)· All columns for bureaucratic reasons are coded. For this reason any AED would’nt be so useful to undertand the problema. Caracteristcis columns:

  • 171 Columnas ( type: ‘Object’)
  • 1 Feature Target ( Column: ‘class’)
  • 170 Feature Training (insted missing value, has a string ‘na’ )


This is a classic classification problem, where the costs of pos-maintance are expensive then pre-mantaince where recall metric is the fit for the problem. So was create a cost function that need be minimize. How our data is non-balance data (98% - negative - 2% - pos) i used undersample technique to keep the caracteristics of ‘pos’ samples.


  • Feature Selection
  • Classifier ML
  • Validation Results

Feature Selection

As coded columns and an analysis of them difficult to interpret, it was created a pipeline to find the best features that will be use the classifier_ml. 4 Steps to complet all the imblearn.pipeline.


  • 1- ReplaceStr - Replace ‘na’ to np.Nan (missing Values).
  • 2- CastFeature - Transform columns object to Float
  • 3- Imputer - Replace missing values (np.Nan) by the medium.



Output - Feature Selection:

  • It's list with 10 best features.

Classifier ML

Preprocessing: Sabe from Feature Selection.

Feature Engineering:

  • PolynomialFeatures() -> Now having 10 columns it's possible create new features.



  • Now having good features, was used a greedy model to find the best classification model.
  • RandomizeSearch will use a cost funcion to be minimize.

Validation Results

Will use the trained_tuned_model from classifier ML to predict the Data from (data_2020, in catalog.) The resulst are in Mlflow

Pipelines Description.

Pipelines Description Docs


This is your new Kedro project, which was generated using Kedro 0.18.0.

Take a look at the Kedro documentation to get started.

Rules and guidelines

In order to get the best out of the template:

  • Don't remove any lines from the .gitignore file we provide
  • Make sure your results can be reproduced by following a data engineering convention
  • Don't commit data to your repository
  • Don't commit any credentials or your local configuration to your repository. Keep all your credentials and local configuration in conf/local/

How to install dependencies

Declare any dependencies in src/requirements.txt for pip installation and src/environment.yml for conda installation.

To install them, run:

pip install -r src/requirements.txt

How to run your Kedro pipeline

You can run your Kedro project with:

kedro run

How to test your Kedro project

Have a look at the file src/tests/test_run.py for instructions on how to write your tests. You can run your tests as follows:

kedro test

To configure the coverage threshold, go to the .coveragerc file.

How to work with Kedro and notebooks

Note: Using kedro jupyter or kedro ipython to run your notebook provides these variables in scope: context, catalog, and startup_error.

Jupyter, JupyterLab, and IPython are already included in the project requirements by default, so once you have run pip install -r src/requirements.txt you will not need to take any extra steps before you use them.


To use Jupyter notebooks in your Kedro project, you need to install Jupyter:

pip install jupyter

After installing Jupyter, you can start a local notebook server:

kedro jupyter notebook