
Documentation, guidelines, discussion, and best practices for the Solid community.

MIT LicenseMIT

Solid, an initiative led by Tim Berners-Lee, is a set of specifications, including examples of these specification, on how to achieve the goal of decentralising power on the web to ensure that the web is used for the global public interest.

This community repository is designed to give an overview of Solid and describe how to engage.

Table of Contents


Terms used in the Solid specifications are defined in the Solid Dictionary and a full overview of the architechture explains how the Solid specifications are interelated.


The Solid documentation describes what has already been built and to find out what is currently being worked on you can read the status of the projects.


Solid copy, code, and the logo is open source and licensed under the MIT license.

Solid Logo

There are defined Solid logo usage guidelines.


Solid Resouces list talks, lessons, and interviews given by the Solid team as well as articles about Solid and useful related links. You can also read, ask, or answer the Frequently Unanswered Questions.


There are tools that work with Solid including:

You can read more about how to become a Solid Provider

The Solid Team

You can find a list of the various roles within the Solid community as well as the responsibilities associated with each role. To apply to a Solid Team role contact the community manager with your cv and motivation statement. Individuals will be appointed to the roles by the community leader.

Community Support Meetings

There are weekly recurring community support meetings via online calls moderated by the community manager. Individuals with specified community roles need to attend the community support meetings if stated in their role description. To make a suggestion for an agenda item at the community support meeting please submit a pull request directly to the community support meeting agenda. Suggestions will be incorporated by the community manager. If there is a difference of opinion about the incorporation of a suggestion, the community managaer and relevant community members will first talk to try and find a compromise. When a compromise cannot be found the community leader will make the final judgement.

Advisory Board

The Solid advisory board has the role of constructing a plan on how to uphold the original Solid values and mission. The plan needs to promote efficient, effective, inclusive, and transparent governance. The Solid advisory board should submit the plan to the community leader via the community manager. Once the plan has been submitted the advisory board will be dismantled. Advisory board members will be appointed by the Community Leader with the support of the Community Manager. The advisory board will take part in several workshops to discuss the governance issues together. The community manager will be coordinating the workshops. If you would like to suggest an issue to be addressed by the advisory board, please contact the community manager.

How to Contribute

If you would like to make a suggestion to code of copy submit a pull request or issue.

The repository manager of the repository to which the suggestion pertains to will be responsible for merging and closing the pull request or issue. If there is a difference of opinion to which a compromise cannot be met the community leader will make the final judgement.

You can see an overview of new suggestions and resolved suggestions in Status

Solid has a code of conduct which all community members must keep in mind when contributing to Solid. If you would like to report an issue around the code of conduct or have a concern about Solid governance, please contact the community manager or submit an issue. The community manager will tag issues related to the code of conduct with the code of conduct tag. The community manager will be responsible for proposing a solution and speaking to the relevant parties to resolve the issue. If a compromise around any difference of opinion cannot be found, the community leader will make the final judgement on a solution.


Step 1. Making a Suggestion Submit a GitHub pull request if you would like to make a specific change to code or text or a issue if you would like to raise a general point. Assign the appropriate labels by listing them in the optional extend description.

Step 2. Inviting a Conversation around your Suggestion to Find Consensus Let others know about your suggestion by posting it on solid/suggestions. Solid/suggestions is not a place to talk about the suggestion, this happens in the pull request or issue itself. Leave the pull request or issue open for two weeks to give others in the Solid community the opporunity to share ideas and propose solutions.

Step 3. Coming to a Conclusion through Compromise
Two weeks after the opening of the pull request or issue, members of the Solid Team are responsible for confirming the final decision, assiging action points to those responsible, and merging pull requests and issues. If there is a difference of opinion about a merge, parties are encoursed to talk to find a compromise. As a last resort, when a compromise cannot be found the community leader will make the final judgement. If the pull request or issue is unresolved for more than two weeks the person who submittied the issue or pull request is encouraged to make a concrete suggestion about the steps needed to reach resolution and send it to the Solid Team member to finalise. Commentators are encouraged to find resolutions independently rather than expecting others to resolve items for them.

Solid Conversations

There are several existing Solid community communications channels including:

Solid Events

Solid events are run by community members in various cities around the world. Solid events provide an opportunity for community members to meet and talk about Solid in person.

If you decide to run a Solid event you can read guidance from previous event organisers and you should let others know about the details of your Solid Event.

To facilitate inclusion of all interested parties the community manager organises Solid World monthly event where anyone can tune in for a one-hour conversation around a set theme. To propose a theme for Solid World conversations, contact the community manager.

User Testing

User Testing is carried out to systematically test assumptions on a specific element. If you would like to become part of the User Testing Panel or you are a Solid Provider and would like to test an element of your POD, WebID, App or Developer Tool contact the Community Manager.