- Styled Components - DONE
- Global Styling - DONE
- Pages Routes - DONE
- GraphQL onboarding - DONE
- GraphQL Prisma - DONE
- graphQL Yoga - DONE
- allItems query - DONE
- createNewItem mutation - DONE
- ApolloClient to connect React to GraphQL - DONE
- Rendering backend graphQL to React - DONE
- Handle file upload - DONE
- graphQL mutation update UI - DONE
- graphQL mutation to delete item - DONE
- page to display single item - DONE
- pagination - DONE
- Athentication - users signup and permissions - DONE
- React user signup - DONE
- User session handler - DONE
- User sign in - DONE
- User Sign out - DONE
- Password reset flow - DONE
- Sending email - DONE
- Permission management - DONE
- Update item - DONE
- Delete item - DONE
- Shopping Cart