
10.2.1 Jailbreak - V0rtex version

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Saïgon jailbreak for iOS 10.2.1

by Abraham Masri @cheesecakeufo - exploit by Siguza (@s1guza)

thanks to @xerub and Luca Todesco (@qwertyoruiopz)

Download here

Supported devices

Device Supports
iPhone 6/+ iOS 10.2.1
iPhone 6S/+ iOS 10.2.1
iPhone SE iOS 10.2.1
iPad Air iOS 10.2/10.2.1
iPad Air 2 iOS 10.2.1
iPad Mini 4 iOS 10.2.1
iPod Touch 6 iOS 10.2.1
iPod Touch 5S iOS 10.2.1
iPod Touch 6 iOS 10.2.1
iPhone 7/+ Not Supported

How do I install this?

You probably should just just go here and follow the instructions.

If you feel a bit more adventurous and want to see logs, use Xcode on a Mac (or a macOS VM), download the project and install XCode.

Open the project "blue icon" and hit run.

Is this a full jailbreak?

Yes. Once you run it, Cydia will be installed.

Please note that it might fail multiple times at escaping sandbox or reboot during the process. If so, reboot (do not just close Saïgon and reopen it) and try again.

I have an issue

Ask on /r/jailbreak

Do NOT report issues here, email, message, tweet me unless it's a unique bug that no one ever had. Othewise, I will not respond.