This project simulates a POD that breaks with a NullPointerException and shows a workaround to evatulate the container preventing it to break.
If you just apply the npe5seconds-pod.yaml
it will fail in 5 seconds with a NPE...
kubectl apply -f npe5seconds-pod.yaml && sleep 3 && kubectl logs -f npe5seconds
The npe5seconds-pod-extended.yaml
POD configuration overrides the docker ENTRYPOINT with a sleep 3600
what allows us to get into the the container and execute the test manually.
$ kubectl delete pod npe5seconds
pod "npe5seconds" deleted
$ kubectl apply -f npe5seconds-pod-extended.yaml
pod/npe5seconds created
$ k logs npe5seconds
Sleeping 3600 seconds
$ k exec npe5seconds -ti -- /bin/sh
# hostname
# ls
Npe.class bin boot dev docker-java-home etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
# java Npe
Sleeping 5000 seconds
End of sleep... Will throw a NullPointerException now
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Npe.main(
# hostname