
A simple http server that identifies itself

Primary LanguagePython

Monkey sign: look at the monkeys waving

I needed a simple http service to verify if my Nginx proxy was working.

There are implementations already done like Jason Wilder's whoami, but I also wanted to have the IP address and host name for the container.

Why monkeys?

The more birthdays I pile up, the more I struggle to differentiate us from the monkeys. And that is not too bad, it makes me a lot more compassionate than before.

To test it once the container is running:

curl $(hostname --all-ip-addresses | awk '{print $1}'):8081

Build image

docker build --rm --tag monkeysign .

Run container

docker run --rm -it -p 8081:80 --name monkeysign monkeysign

Run two instances

This will be available at localhost:8081 and localhost:8082

docker compose up

Python DoIt

There is also a tasks script to run this with Python DoIt:

$ doit list
build_monkeysign   Build and tag a docker image - usage: build_monkeysign -t:0.0.1 (default: "latest")
run_monkeysign     Run the container of a monkey sign, available at localhost:8081 - usage: run_monkey_sign -t:0.0.1 (default: "latest")
run_two_monkeys    Run the two monkeys, available at localhost:8081 and 8082 - usage: run_two_monkeys -t 0.0.1 (default: "latest")