
🤖 Open AI Chat-GPT-3 bash script.

Primary LanguageShell

"A command to list all files from a folder, include hidden files"

Ask AI Bash

Open AI Chat-GPT-3 bash script.


  1. Create an OpenAI api key
  2. Include export OPENAI_APIKEY=YOURKEY into your .zshrc or .bash_profile
  3. Download ask_ai_bash.sh or use the following command to download and insert automatically into your .zshrc or .bash_profile file.
curl -o $HOME/ask_ai_bash.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eduardostuart/ask_ai_bash/main/ask_ai_bash.sh && echo "source $HOME/ask_ai_bash.sh" >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc


# eg.: input/output
# Insert question:
# give me a command to list all pods from namespace xyz
# kubectl get pods -n xyz


Eduardo Stuart