
🗞 A GitHub template that delivers new posts from your favorite sites by email.

Primary LanguageHandlebarsMIT LicenseMIT


Paperboy template

A GitHub template that delivers new posts from all your favorite sites by email.


  1. Click on use this template
  2. Update the subs.txt file. Include your list of websites.


# https://news.mit.edu/rss/feed (this will be ignored)
  1. Set these environment variable values (GitHub Secrets):
SMTP_HOST="smtp.mailtrap.io"               # SMTP host
SMTP_PORT=2525                             # SMTP port
SMTP_USERNAME="username"                   # SMTP username
SMTP_PASSWORD="password"                   # SMTP password
SMTP_FROM="Paperboy <rss@domain.com>"      # the sender
MAIL_TO="email@domain.com"                 # the recipient
EMAIL_SUBJECT="Subject"                    # Email subject (optional)
  1. Update template.hbs & template_text.hbs if you want to customize the email template.
  2. Update .github/workflows/cron.yml if you want to change the frequency or time that you want to receive the email.
  3. If you just want to test, trigger the .github/workflows/manual.yml GitHub Action.


This code is distributed under the terms of MIT license. See LICENSE-MIT for details.