Currency Converter App

This app is a Compose Multiplatform application developed during a course. Its primary function is to convert currencies using data from an API, which provides exchange rates for different countries. Users can choose from over a hundred available currencies to convert. To minimize the number of requests, these currencies are also stored locally.


  • API Integration: Fetches the latest exchange rates from a reliable currency API.
  • Currency Conversion: Allows users to convert between over a hundred different currencies.
  • Local Persistence: Stores currency data locally to reduce the number of API requests and enhance performance.

Learning Experience

This project was a significant learning experience as it was my first venture into building a Compose Multiplatform app. I went beyond the course material by:

  • Custom Logic: Modifying and creating custom logic to fit my personal coding style.
  • Additional Libraries: Integrating additional libraries such as native ViewModel, Lifecycle, and Navigation, instead of using Voyager as taught in the course.
  • UseCases and Repositories: Building use cases and repositories to manage network and local data operations.
  • MVI Architecture: Implementing Model-View-Intent (MVI) architecture for better state management.
  • Conversion Trigger: Removing the conversion button and integrate the logic into various actions, such as selecting a currency, changing the amount, or switching currencies.

Technologies Used

  • Compose Multiplatform: For building UI across different platforms.
  • Native ViewModel and Lifecycle: For managing UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way.
  • Kotlin Coroutines: For asynchronous programming.
  • Mongo Realm Database: For local data persistence.

Project Structure

  • API Layer: Handles all API calls and network operations.
  • Database Layer: Using Realm as database and also Settings Library as preferences.
  • Repository Layer: Manages data operations, deciding whether to fetch data from the API or local database.
  • UseCases: Encapsulates business logic for various features.
  • ViewModel: Connects the UI with the business logic.
  • UI Layer: Built using Jetpack Compose for a modern, declarative UI.


Eduardo Tercio - Linkedin -