Simple 8 keys piano application developed with JavaFX to demonstrate capabilities of Leap Motion.
A Leap Motion is a hand tracking device that creates an interface between real world and computer technologies. Device is feeted with optical sensors and infrared light to recognize and track hands and fingers. Field of sensors view is about 150 degrees in standard operating position and effective range of vision extends approximately 25 to 600 millimeters above the device (2.5cm to 60cm).
The Leap Motion controller’s view of your hands
The Leap Motion software combines its sensor data with an internal model of the human hand to help cope with challenging tracking conditions.
The Leap Motion system employs a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is centered at the top of the Leap Motion Controller. The x- and z-axes lie in the horizontal plane, with the x-axis running parallel to the long edge of the device. The y-axis is vertical, with positive values increasing upwards (in contrast to the downward orientation of most computer graphics coordinate systems). The z-axis has positive values increasing toward the user.
To begin development with LeapMotion in Java, download SDK and follow instruction to setup development environment:
As the Leap Motion controller tracks hands and fingers in its field of view, it provides updates as a set – or frame – of data. Each Frame object representing a frame contains any tracked hands, detailing their properties at a single moment in time. The Frame object is essentially the root of the Leap Motion data model.
Minimal application with LeapMotion requires to instantiate two classes, Controller
from SDK and your custom class
that extends Listener
class from SDK. Controller
has a method to set your custom listener as a receiver for incoming data frames.
Your listener should override at least 2 methods, onConnected
and onFrame
from Listener
class it extends. Method parameter is a
itself from which you get Frame
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Controller c = new Controller();
Listener l = new LeapListener(); // Instantiate your class that extends Listener
c.addListener(l); // Add listener to Controller
public class LeapListener extends Listener {
public void onConnect(Controller controller) {
public void onFrame(Controller controller) {
Frame frame = controller.frame();
// Get data from frame and do something with it...
It is recommended to configure Controller
in onConnect
method in your listener class. For example, to use gestures, it is required
to activate it through Controller
, as well as, configuring settings for enchanced performance.
public void onConnect(Controller controller) {
// Activate Key Tap gesture
// Customize Key Tap gesture
controller.config().setFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity", 40.0f);
controller.config().setFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds", .2f);
controller.config().setFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDistance", 0.5f);
This class represents core data model from where you can access other models like Hand
, Finger
, Gesture
, etc.
Most of these models are contained within respective list classes.
public void onFrame(Controller controller) {
// get the frame
Frame frame = controller.frame();
// list of gestures
GestureList gestures = frame.gestures();
// can be simply itterated with for loop, forEach with lambda or with Itterator.
for(Gesture gesture : gestures){
gesture.type(); // check type of gesture to create valid instance of gesture
// list of hands
HandList hands = frame.hands();
// itterate over list with hands
hands.forEach(hand -> {
// Get fingers list from hand
FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();
// Check if hand is right or left
model provides information about the identity, position, and other characteristics of a detected hand,
the arm to which the hand is attached, and lists of the fingers associated with the hand.
Example of how to collect palm and finger tip possitions
public void onFrame(Controller controller) {
// get the frame
Frame frame = controller.frame();
// list of hands
HandList hands = frame.hands();
// itterate over list with hands
hands.forEach(hand -> {
// Palm possition
float x = hand.palmPosition().getX();
float y = hand.palmPosition().getY();
float z = hand.palmPosition().getZ();
// Get fingers list from hand
FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();
fingers.forEach(finger -> {
float x = finger.tipPosition().getX();
float y = finger.tipPosition().getY();
float z = finger.tipPosition().getZ();
The Leap Motion software recognizes a quick, downward tapping movement by a finger or tool as a Key Tap gesture. For purposes of this application, I've used Key Taps gesture, although there is three more (Circle, Swipe and Screen Taps for touch screens).
You can make a key tap gesture by tapping downward as if pressing a piano key. Tap gestures are discrete. Only a single Gesture object is added per tap gesture.
is the model class that contains details of a key tap performed. It can be reffered back to a hand and exact finger that performed
public void onFrame(Controller controller) {
// get the frame
Frame frame = controller.frame();
// list of gestures
GestureList gestures = frame.gestures();
for(Gesture gesture : gestures){
// match gesture to its type
if(gesture.type() == KeyTapGesture.classType()){
// Create object corresponding to a gesture type
KeyTapGesture keyTap = new KeyTapGesture(gesture);
// Possitions are stored as a Vectors
Vector tapPosition = keyTap.position();
// Get tap possitions to map it to UI
Float x = tapPosition.getX();
Float y = tapPosition.getZ();
Like in any multithreaded UI applications, we can not modify UI thread properties directly from another thread.
In worst case scenario UI will freeze and compiler will throw runtime exception ConcurrentModificationException
To avoid this happening in JavaFX development environment, use Platform
API from JavaFX application package.
Method runLater
will ensure that all incoming update properties are injected correctly.
Example of how to handle incoming modifications from another thread
// JavaFX UI property
private Text possitions;
// Handling incoming data
private void handleConcurrentModification(float x, float y, float z){
// implement functional interface method on the fly
Platform.runLater(() ->{
this.possitions.setText("X: " + Float.toString(x) + "\n" +
"Y: " + Float.toString(y) + "\n" +
"Z: " + Float.toString(z));
Figure 01. Core setup
- class containing main
method. Initializes JavaFX application API by extending Application
class and overriding start
method. Withing start
method, loading FXML resources, setting up Stage and performing other setups that will be discussed later. Constructs Controller
and Listener
, and adding listener to the controller.
Figure 02. Processing Hands Data
- class receiving frames from controller and passing HandList
to ListenerDataHandler
(should rename to HandsDataHandler for better understanding). Keeping listener minimalistic, avoiding references to Hand
and FingerList
, delegating work on hands to other class.
- class that processes HandList
and all other related classes from LeapJava SDK. Based on data from a frame,
decides which hand should be rendered and removed, if any or both. Updating coordinates of a HandView
by accessing collection from HandsViewController
class. Executing HandsViewController
methods to add or remove hand from a view.
Figure 03. Hands View handling
- class maintaining collection of HandView
models. Contains PianoLayout
node reference for processing oparations like adding and removing hands in UI. Note that PianoLayout
node reference is passed from LeapRunner
- model representing hands view in UI. Consists of UI node representing palm and similar object with collection
of fingers nodes called FingerView
Figure 04. Binding sound effects to keys
- using NotesContainer
map with audio files to play when corresponding key event is fired.
Key is represented by a Button
node because it can implement any kind of action event on the fly.
Figure 05. Observing Key Taps
- implements TapGesturesObserver
interface to receive updates on positions where Key Tap was captured.
Based on this knowledge, maps positions to a keys in the view and fires its event, i.e., playing audio file. To receive updates,
observer has to register with a TapGesturesListener
- class that implements TapGesturesListener
. Maintaince a collection of observers that are registered with it to send an updates to when any key tap gestures are captured. LeapListener
also contains a reference to a TapGesturesListener
instance to send gestures. LeapListener
is kept clean from references to an actual gesture types. It only sends relevent parts of a
frame to a classes that do actual work.
Figure 06. Observing Feedback
- implements FeedbackObserver
interface. Waiting for an incoming feedback from PianoLayout
after all key taps are processed and renders it out to UI.
- implements FeedbackListener
. Scenario is similar to a gesture observation. This time PianoLayout
acts as a propagator of data, sends it by calling instance of FeedbackListenerImpl
and executing a method. Then observers
registered with listener are updated with new feedback.
Figure 07. Full Architecture
I've omitted LeapJava SDK dependencies for clarity of an application design.
Overall performance of an application left much to be desired. What left me really dissapointed is responsivness to a key tap events. Leap Motion seems like having troubles with capturing key taps and missing quite a good bit. On the other hand, it could be my missunderstanding of configurations for key taps and would requires further investigation.
As for architecture design, there are few flows in it. An obviouse one would be the way I handle frame data for rendering hands view. I would prefer to add another observer to that, but couldn't figure out yet on how to go about it. Main problem is a decision making for which hand is in a view, if one, and what to do when both hands on or off the view. Not to mention that Leap Motion can process more than 2 hands, altough it's not recommended as it can cause corrupted data per frame. To make design even cleaner, I'd suggest to add data listeners factory to remove references to an implementations from classes that produce data for UI and feed listeners.
What could make an app really cool is to add a feedback in form of a notepad with notes placed on it. In this case, feedback observer and listener would require redesign to work with different types of parameters. Piano key ids would come in handy here to map with corresponding notes. I still can't figure out how to build a view for such notepad, as it would not be just an ordinary matrix or a grid.
Developing with Leap Motion was sure fun. It seems easy to get all the data from Leap Motion sensors, but it is a steep learning curve to build a rich UI with many functionalities, as it requires good understanding of design patterns and graphics development. For one person project it is tough.
For more of an interesting project with Leap Motion and piano, I would recommend to use Augmented Reality with headsets like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. Developing complex VR with rich graphics would be much easier with Unity rather than JavaFX, altough possible with both.