
The aim of this project is to make you code a function that returns a line, read from a file descriptor.

Project develop for 42Cursus


🎯 Goal

This project will not only allow you to add a very convenient function to your collection, but it will also allow you to learn a highly interesting new concept in C programming: static variables

👨🏻‍💻 Prototype

char *get_next_line(int fd);

💻 Functions

Libft helper functions

  • ft_strdup - creates a duplicate for the string passed as a parameter.
  • ft_strjoin - concatenates two strings.
  • ft_strlcpy - copy string to a specific size.
  • ft_strlen - calculate the length of a string.
  • ft_strchr - locate character in a string.

⭐ Bonus Part

get_next_line_bonus makes it possible to manage multiple file descriptors.