4 Examples to help you get started with Arduino and the 1.3" OLED with the SSH1106 driver.
Example 1: A Hello World program that displays a text on the screen and a frame.
Example 2: A program that displays the temperature in English.
Example 3: A program the displays the temperature in Greek, using the drawBitmap function to load the UI as a bitmap.
Example 4: A Pong game where the microcontroller controlls both paddles.
🛒 Display ▶ https://educ8s.tv/part/OLED13
🛒 Raspberry Pi Pico ▶ http://educ8s.tv/part/RaspberryPiPico
🛒 DHT22 Sensor ▶ https://educ8s.tv/part/DHT22
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