
Primary LanguageVue


Projeto de EAD para criação de trilhas de aprendizagens e desafios de forma rápida e dinâmica

Tecnologias usadas

Embracing the entire project we are using Nuxt.js with some @nuxtjs modules like:

  • auth for athentication
  • axios for api requests
  • pwa to allow the site to act as a Progressive Web App
  • toast to handle errors and present it

To compose the client side we are using the Vue.js with some cool libraries like:

  • BootstrapVue to compose the layout structure and form controls
  • Leaflet to render maps
  • vue-goodshare to show share buttons

The server site is composed inside on top of Node.js tecnologies like:

  • Mongodb database
  • Express to serve the node app
  • Mongoose to structure the database
  • Passport managing the authentication
  • multer for upload
  • sharp to thumbnail generation

Basic features

  • Authentication flow and user crud with authorization role
  • Front site
  • Admin panel
  • Pages management
  • Blog/Posts
  • Events
  • Contact form
  • Multisites

Developer instructions

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/dloopes/tekoa.git

# Go inside downloaded directory
cd directory/

# Install NPM dependecies
$ yarn install

# To run the developer version with hotreload in localhost:3000 run:
$ yarn dev

# The previous command printed you the generated user credentials. Use this info to access the admin panel at:

# To compile and run the production version:
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

# Aways run "yarn lint" before commit