
Simple light wallet and block producer voting tool for the Telos blockchain

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Sqrl screenshot

Sqrl - Telos Full Wallet & Governance dApp

Sqrl is a fully functional wallet created by Telos Miami for the Telos blockchain that supports any EOS.IO blockchain. This application can be used to connect to a remote EOS.IO API endpoint to securely perform numerous wallet and governance functions.

Sqrl screenshot



  • IPFS Storage for Key Documents: All interactions with key documents in Sqrl, such as the Telos Blockchain Network Operating Agreement, are uploaded and retrieved from the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).
  • Create Worker Proposals: Sqrl allows you to create new worker proposal requests on the Telos blockchain. You can also participate in voting on existing worker proposals.
  • Register and Vote on Arbitration: As the first EOS.IO chain with real on-chain governance support, Sqrl allows anyone to apply to be an arbitrator and voters to elect arbitrators. You can also submit claims and go through the arbitration process using Sqrl.
  • Ratify / Amend Governance Docs: Sqrl allows you, the voter, to participate in ratifying and amending the Telos governance documents. Let your voice be heard!
  • Free User Account Creation (coming to mainnet soon): Sqrl provides a simple wizard that allows new users to create their first Telos account on their own.
  • Works Across Chains: Sqrl is the first wallet to add support for managing any EOS.IO blockchain in a single interface, such as Telos or EOS.


  • New Key Generation: You can use Sqrl to generate new EOS.IO public and private key pairs.
  • Block Producer/Proxy Voting: Select which block producers to support and cast your vote. You can also register/unregister your account as a Proxy.
  • Token Transfers: Transfer TLOS, EOS or any other token you may have a balance for to another user or exchanges.
  • CPU/Bandwidth Staking: Stake your TLOS or EOS as either Bandwidth or CPU. This grants rights to resource usage on the network, in addition to conveying weight while voting for block producers.
  • Buy/Sell RAM: Use your TLOS or EOS tokens to buy or sell RAM at the then market price. RAM allows you to reserve or release storage space on the Telos blockchain.
  • Create Accounts: Sqrl allows you to create new user accounts in Telos and allocate RAM, Bandwidth or CPU.
  • Simple Contact Management: You can create a contact database for the Telos accounts you interact with frequently, simplifying the process of sending/receiving tokens on the network.
  • Interact w/ Smart Contracts: If you would like to interact with smart contracts directly, Sqrl allows you to lookup contracts and call methods defined in the contract's abi.
  • Local Wallet: Set a password while importing your private key to create a local wallet. Your key will be encrypted locally using this password. This password will be required each time you need to unlock the wallet.
  • Cold Wallet Mode: If you prefer not to store your keys within the application, simply choose not to set a password. When the application quits, your key will be forgotten.

Get Sqrl


Current 0.5.4 release downloads:

The latest release will always be available on the releases page of this repository:


To determine which file you need, if you are a...

  • MacOS User: Download the DMG (Sqrl-***.dmg) file.
  • Windows User: Download the EXE (Sqrl-***.exe) file.
  • Linux User: Download the Source (***-.tar.gz) file.

Security: Private Keys

When using Sqrl, all transactions are signed within the application and your key is never transmitted. If a local wallet password is specified, the application will also save and encrypt your key for future use, using AES-256 encryption. The current password/key encryption scheme can currently be found here.


We offer a public list of nodes within this repository for use with this application:


This list will be updated over time and can be referenced from within the initial connection screen in the app.

Build it yourself

If you'd rather build the application yourself, please ensure you have nodejs/npm/yarn already installed locally.

Note: If you are configuring this Electron application within a Windows development environment, it will involve additional steps.

git clone https://github.com/Telos-Foundation/Sqrl.git Sqrl
cd Sqrl
yarn install

Then either:

  • MacOS: yarn package
  • Linux: yarn package-linux
  • Windows: yarn package-win
  • All: yarn package-all

The files built will be located in the releases folder within the root project folder.

Running development mode

git clone https://github.com/Telos-Foundation/Sqrl.git Sqrl
cd Sqrl
yarn install
yarn dev


The development of this application is being led by members of the Telos Miami team for the Telos Foundation in an effort to let stakeholders securely manage their EOS.IO-based tokens (TLOS, EOS, etc) and participate in the governance of the Telos blockchain.

Sqrl naming credit goes to Douglas Horn at Goodblock.

SqrlJs + styling support provided by Amplified Telos development team.

Release Signatures

To verify the integrity of the releases you download from GitHub, below are the shasum results for each of the binaries:

Signed by eosmiami on keybase

Hash: SHA512

shasum -b -a 512 linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-amd64.deb
af48016d04f1170ae4d5c9d8c1bb9af9db733666d96179c30f6a653338b6acf4b54d29ad3e4f5cc034bfc1a7adb22f1982a734c46f388a8944b20a8544c8bea9 *linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-amd64.deb
shasum -b -a 512 linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-amd64.snap
4e12270113083087ecba63f60592a59fba62462852d1c3e137962ed1337ca3a5d5409924a36184ed7749a44a80ca71f33606b7cbb4c9a58f96f00993e3d3e4af *linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-amd64.snap
shasum -b -a 512 linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-arm64.deb
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shasum -b -a 512 linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-armv7l.deb
02d6865aa3684d61c4ecaa8b748b69bc0d4d45403994dc1b9018e13ea3af60fe2d91525f047107da820214e35cd63d294ec47f84e7db1271de8092a0e36fda85 *linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-armv7l.deb
shasum -b -a 512 linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-i386.deb
0f84397ac715ce534aa0f9cc713a636788da1d08e023f8982268909d3d8bb1cb729e4b9a92fc1f61fd2ce686b812c1e95634bad3fc9d8890c4fe6c706aeb8ab3 *linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-i386.deb
shasum -b -a 512 linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-x86_64.AppImage
b25b96d7004e586d985bf5b576f90a3774856b94091533e16d7598cd466e4419c0fe7782bf7b951b91c36cbc6b9561203d1bcd6ac033738ca79649192859b9b7 *linux-Sqrl-0.5.4-x86_64.AppImage
shasum -b -a 512 mac-Sqrl-0.5.4.dmg
8faa1d89838c44b4b8596d5bf30102dd019c5bd4e0b3a232c14408e91151eda2fa74b9920965df7ee0139fa9bd0195b7c010a81ebaa75db621b47c2b97327701 *mac-Sqrl-0.5.4.dmg
shasum -b -a 512 mac-Sqrl-0.5.4.zip
b9e4f8fb8d848311e8cfdfcf9fa386d9c9e514f23bdde6e7e8a64878ea5ce90cbf5bdf86968292275374af676f7a93a5e9d404544c2c297ef435330fe87a043f *mac-Sqrl-0.5.4.zip
shasum -b -a 512 win-Sqrl-0.5.4.exe
dba1ab633392006a511b8050c5e65aa2649a7ccdda1d634b84168a00a976f626af98c8d2cd726ba40b36ea93d962ea60b007c0b4b9a2301d02f07b35424d6623 *win-Sqrl-0.5.4.exe
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.80
Comment: https://keybase.io/crypto
