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pip install edwh-sshfs-plugin

But probably you want to install the whole edwh package:

pipx install edwh[sshfs]


pipx install edwh[plugins,omgeving]

Also you will be required to run these commands

edwh sshfs.setup
# OR:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install openssh-client
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo apt install sshfs
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo init 6 #optional for reboot

creating remote mounts


edwh -h {server} sshfs.remote-mount -w {local_dir} -s {server_dir}

The remote_mount function is an asynchronous Python task that allows you to mount a remote directory on your local machine using SSHFS (SSH Filesystem). It establishes a secure connection to a remote server, forwards a port, and mounts the remote directory on the local machine.


  • workstation_dir: The local directory path where the remote directory will be mounted to the server_dir.
  • server_dir: The remote directory path that will become a mount
  • queue: An optional parameter representing the queue object for synchronization (default: None).

creating local mounts


edwh -h {server} sshfs.local-mount -w {local_dir} -s {server_dir}


  • workstation_dir(-w): The local directory path That will become a mount
  • server_dir(-s): The remote directory path That will be mounted onto the workstation directory
  • queue: An optional parameter representing the queue object for synchronization (default: None).


edwh-sshkey-plugin is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.