
Yet another stand-alone GitHub Webhook end-point server.

Primary LanguageC#

Webhook Runner for Github

React to GitHub webhook events and run custom scripts on your server. This is useful if you want to setup simple continious integration and\or deployment.

.NET Core


It listens on the configured port (http://localhost:5000 by default) and have only one API endpoint POST /api/webhook. When it receives payload form GitHub, it will loop through defined set of rules (defined in appsettins.json) and will execute command line from Execute property if ref value from payload matches Ref value from the rule and repository.url from the payload matches RepositoryUrl from the rule. If you configured Secret for the webhook, it will compare value for the X-Hub-Signature header with the WebHookSecret environment valiable (can also be set in appsettings.config, but I would recomend keeping it as an envirunment variable).


You can download self-contained application for your platform:


wget https://github.com/drussilla/git-webhook-server/releases/download/0.4/linux-x64-v0.4.tar.gz


tar -zxvf linux-x64-v0.4.tar.gz

Make it executable:

cd linux-x64
chmod +x git-webhook-server

Create file nano appsettings.json with rules:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "Rules": [
      "Name": "master git-webhook-server",
      "Ref": "refs/heads/master",
      "RepositoryUrl": "https://github.com/drussilla/git-webhook-server",
      "Execute": "run_in_tmux.sh"

Node: Do not forget to replace valus for RepositoryUrl and Execute properties.


./git-webhook-server --urls

You can expose it to the outside world but I would recommend setting up nginx with SSL certificat (for example from Let's Encrypt) as a reverse-proxy in front of the WebHook Runner

If you decided to run it without nginx, do not forget to add rule in the firewall (I hope you are using it) to allow access on the port 5000.

Running as a deamon

There are few ways to deamonize this copnsole app (actuially you can do the same with any console app)

Using Tmux

Install tmux - a terminal multiplexer:

sudo apt-get install tmux

Run new tmux session:


Run console app inside tmux session:

cd linux-x64
./git-webhook-server --urls

Detach from tmux session by pressing Ctrl+B Ctrl+D. Now you can exit your ssh session and the process will kipp running. When you login back, you can attach to the running tmux session by typing:

tmux attach

Using supervisor

If you do not want to run it manually everytime you reboot your machine or when the process is crashed, you can use surepvisor - system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.


sudo apt-get install supervisor

Create config file for your application

sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/git-webhook-server.conf

With the following content:

command=su -c "/home/<username>/linux-x64/git-webhook-server --urls" <username>

Note:: Replace <username> with the actual username.

Reload supoervisor:

sudo supervisorctl reload

To check the status of the app run:

sudo supervisorctl status

How to configure webhook in GitHub

Configure webhook in GitHub repository:

  • Set Payload URL to the publicly visible URL of the Webhook Runner (e.g. http://example.com:5000/api/webhook)
  • Set Content type to application/json
  • SSL verification based on your server confgig (I would strongly recomed setting up nginx with SSL certifiacte in front of the runner)
  • Set Just the push event. because currently this is the only supported event type (GitHub will get BadRequet response for any other event types)
  • Active should be enabled

How to configure webhook Webhook Runner

You can see the example in appconfig.json, it has two rules defined:

The first one will react to push to the master branch (refs/heads/master match) and will execute build_and_restart.sh script (it should be in the same root folder).

The second one will do run start_dev.sh script whenever something is pushed to dev branch.

How to build and contribute

  • Clone repo
  • Install .NET Core SDK 3.1
  • Develop
  • Create PR


Simple CI CD pipeline for .net core web api

In this example we are gonna configure webhook for this project. Everytime I push to master it will execute the following script on the server (build_and_restart.sh):

cd ~/git-webhook-server
git reset --hard HEAD
git pull
supervisorctl stop git-webhook-server
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -o ~/linux-x64 -c Release
supervisorctl start git-webhook-server

Note:: In order to restart it self we need to run build_and_restart.sh though a "proxy" script. Because when we stop the partner process (in our case git-webhook-server) all it's child processes will terminate and two last lines will never be executed. You do not need this "proxy" script if you restarting another application.

That is why we need to run run_in_tmux.sh script as a "proxy":

tmux new -d -s proxy ./build_and_restart.sh


  • Git repo is cloned to ~/git-webhook-server
  • Supervisor is installed and configured to run app from: ~/linux-x64 folder
  • GitHub WebHook is configured
  • tmux is installed
  • appsettings.json has the following rule:
    "Name": "master",
    "Ref": "refs/heads/master",
    "RepositoryUrl": "https://github.com/drussilla/git-webhook-server/",
    "Execute": "run_in_tmux.sh"
  • build_and_restart.sh script is in the ~/linux-x64 folder
  • run_in_tmux.sh script is in the ~/linux-x64 folder
  • You have permission to run supervisorctl as a regular user (edit /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf and restart supervisord):