
Ready set to be used for new projects from Cubik's Team.


  1. Typescript
  2. Jest
  3. TSLint
  4. Dotenv
  5. Nodemon

Who to use

Every time that a new project needs to be created, follow the next steps:

  1. Copy the url from this git repo.
  2. Use this url to create a base project in your local machine, setting the name for the new project:
  1. After the project has been clone, get inside the project folder
  2. Once inside the project remove the .git folder with the follow command:
rm -rf .git
  1. Now your project is not linked with any git repo
  2. Open the 'packget.json' file and change the information to be related with yours new project, like:
    "name": "functional-es6",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "main": "index.js",
    "author": "",
    "license": "ISC",

Basic npm commands to run you project

npm run build

Removes the dist folder, runs the lint command and transpile the Typescript to javaScript

npm run clean

Removes the dist folder

npm start

Runs the javaScript file app.js inside de /dist folder, using node preloading the dotenv packet

npm test

Runs the jest set of tests, generating the coverage report

npm run watch-test

Runs the jest set of tests, generating the coverage report with the --watch flag set

npm run watch-ts

Runs the transpile form .ts file to .js in the watch mode

npm run watch-node

Run the javaScript file app.js inside de /dist folder, using nodemon instead of node, preloading the dotenv packet

Important: To make the development easy, eu should run the commands npm run watch-ts and npm run watch-node simultaneously in different terminals

npm run coverage

Opens the browser with de coverage report from yours last test with jest

npm run lint

Runs the lint on your code


You can fail, but fail fast