This is the front-end for the Dash Evolution username signup.
Checkout the repo.
npm install
bower install
- Install Grunt
- From your web browser navigate to the /dist directory.
All development should take place in the /src directory.
The directory structure is self-documenting. Most pages will have a corresponding directory with a .js file and a .tpl.html file. The .tpl.html files contain all of the basic html. The .tpl tells grunt this is a template that should be converted from HTML to JS.
The CSS is using Bootstrap 3.3.6 with LESS. To modify the CSS you can change the LESS variables located in /src/less/variables.less.
If you need some custom CSS, add it to /src/css/author.css. Anything in the author.css file will be appended to the bootstrap css.
All services are located in /src/app/common/services/ and /src/app/common/models/
While developing, you can have grunt build to /dist by running the following: grunt watch
For production build simply run grunt deploy