ShortyLink is a URL shortening service that allows users to convert long and complicated URLs into short and easy-to-remember links. The service is built on Ruby on Rails framework, and makes use of several other gems and technologies to provide an optimal user experience.
The algorithm used is Base Conversion: This algorithm is efficient because it reduces the number of characters required to represent the URL and is fast to encode and decode.
- User authentication and authorization
- Short link generation for long URLs
- Short link redirection to the original URL
- Link tracking and statistics
- User dashboard to view link information
- API support for programmatic access to ShortyLink services
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Puma
- Propshaft
- Turbo-Rails
- Stimulus-Rails
- TailwindCSS-Rails
- JBuilder
- DelayedJobActiveRecord
- CounterCulture
- Nokogiri
- Open-URI
- RQRCode
- TZInfo-Data
- Bootsnap
- Ruby version 3.2.0 or higher
- Rails version 7.0.4 or higher
- PostgreSQL version 1.1 or higher
- Redis version 4.0 or higher
To get started with ShortyLink, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository git clone
- Navigate to the project directory cd ShortyLink
- Install required dependencies using bundler bundle install
- Install required dependencies for the front end using npm install
- Setup the database using rails db:setup, rails db:migrate
- Start the application using rails s
- To run teh background jobs use ./bin/delayed_job run --exit-on-complete
ShortyLink is released under the MIT License.