The idea of this repo is add the all automations that I used the zx lib.
Getting Started
- install repo dependencies
npm i
- run automations
npx zx <path-to-automation>
How to use the automations
- this automation requires the gh-cli to be installed and configured
This automation is used to create a PR template for the github cli, and avoid some checks that is needed to be done manually.
This automation get the last issue that you is assgined ( you can provide the specific repository to get the last issue ) and create a PR template using the keyword of the issue without provide the description and another interaction.
To need to provide the keyword of related issue see here the availble keywords
You also can provide a specific repository to get the assigned issues on GitHub ( if you don't provide the repository, it will get the last issue that of actual repository )
- always be assinged to an issue before run the automation
concurrently repeat
- example of running
zx ~/Projects/zx-automations/concurrently-repeat.mjs <command> <times>
Example: show hi 5 times
zx ~/Projects/zx-automations/concurrently-repeat.mjs "echo hi" 5
npx zx automated-pr-template related
npx zx automated-pr-template related
- example of running
zx zx-automations/add-codeowners.mjs @edumaciel10
- recomended run into root file of repos
- will search all repos that contain CODEOWNERS file and add the user to the file
- the CODEOWNERS file should follow this pattern
* @edumaciel10 ...
run into all repos
- example of running
- recomended run into root file of repos
- you can change the code to run any command using zx into all repos
replace template and create file for each replace
- example of running
zx-automations/replace-and-create-file.mjs <target-folder-for-generated-templates> <template-file> <replace-values-separed-by-comma>
zx replace-and-create-file.mjs ./templates ./ "Banco do Brasil , Banco da AmazĂ´nia , Banco do Nordeste do Brasil ,"