
Base16 for pyradio

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains 4 sets of theme files and templates for internet radio player pyradio meant to work with any base16 builder.

Prebuilt themes have been built using base16-builder-node, and can be found in the themes/ directory. For detailed build and installation instructions, see Installation.


Install a theme manually

To install individual themes, copy the desired .pyradio-theme-file in any of the directories under themes/ to ~/.config/pyradio/themes/, or use curl:

mkdir -p ~/.config/pyradio/themes
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edunfelt/base16-pyradio/master/themes/default/base16-default-dark.pyradio-theme -o ~/.config/pyradio/themes/base16-default-dark.pyradio-theme

Using the themes without base16-shell

The best way to use the themes is to install and set up base16-shell, (in which case no theme installation is necessary), but this is not mandatory.

To use the themes (without installing and using base16-shell) one would just have to clone this repo (or download the zip file), and copy the themes to ~/.config/pyradio/themes.

One might just want to test the themes, by copying one of the directories to ~/.config/pyradio/themes, for example

cp themes/variation/* ~/.config/pyradio/themes

to "install" and test the variation set of the themes.

Consecutive use of this command (using a different source directory) will just overwrite any previously copied themes.

To copy all the themes, or all themes in a folder, just use the following script.

python install_themes.py

Notice: this will copy more than 900 files in the target directory... You've been warned...

Here is its help screen

usage: install_themes.py [-h] [-a] [-d] [-l] [-r] [-t] [-u]

Install PyRadio Base16 themes

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -a, --all            install all themes
  -d, --default        install default themes only
  -l, --default-alt    install default alternative themes only
  -r, --variation      install variation themes only
  -t, --variation-alt  install variation alternative themes only
  -u, --uninstall      uninstall themes (to be used with one of the previous

Build themes



mkdir -p base16/templates && cd base16/templates
git clone git@github.com:edunfelt/base16-pyradio.git
cd base16-pyradio

Cycling through the themes

To see all the themes provided by this repo, just use this theme:

python cycle_themes.py

and follow the instructions within.

Here is its help screen

usage: cycle_themes.py [-h] [-s START] [-d DELAY]

Cycle through PyRadio Base16 themes

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s START, --start START
                        start with theme number
  -d DELAY, --delay DELAY
                        counter delay



Contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated!


Left side shows the default themes, right side shows variant themes.




