
A major overhaul of eduRange; features a pure API with Flask, Client Side Rendering with React, token-based auth strategy, containerized scenarios with Docker, NodeJS websocket microservices, and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

eduRange3 license Py2&3


Additional documentation can be found in the wiki


We recommend using a new Ubuntu 22.04 LTS installation, using Python 3.10

Support for other Operating Systems and Python versions is pending.

First, clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/edurange/edurange3.git --recurse-submodules

Then, run the installation script (./install.sh), and input credentials when prompted.

Please use unique responses for each prompt.

cd edurange3

To verify that you're ready to launch the app, check that "flask" and "celery" are recognized bash commands, and whether "docker run hello-world" works. If any of these fail, simply log out and back in, and they should work then.

Running Locally

Once installed, start the app using

cd edurange3 (if not in edurange3 root dir)
npm run build
npm start

Or, for a live-reload dev version run with Vite (without a build), start the app using

cd edurange3 (if not in edurange3 root dir)
npm run dev

Or each service can be run separately

flask run --host=
celery worker -B -E -f celery.log -l DEBUG -A edurange3.py_flask.utils.tasks

After npm start has started flask (it continues running), you can open a browser and connect For example, with URL localhost:5000 Login to the server using the administrator credentials set in the .env file


creating a student group

As administrator, you can create a student group using the GUI. You can create default users in that group for testing purposes. You should save their credentials so that you can fully explore scenarios as a student. Those credentials are for the flask server, not for the Containers in the scanarios.