
A peer-to-peer distributed backup service for the Internet.

Primary LanguageJava

Chord Backup

A peer-to-peer distributed backup service for the Internet. Check the Docs

Group members:

  1. Hugo Guimarães up201806490@up.pt
  2. Paulo Ribeiro up201806505@up.pt
  3. Eduardo Ribeiro up201806271@up.pt
  4. Diana Freitas up201806230@up.pt


See the Makefile inside the src folder for more information

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://git.fe.up.pt/sdis1/2021/t7/g24/proj2.git

  2. Go to the src directory: cd src

  3. Compile all the java classes: make all

  4. Initialize the rmi registry: make rmi

  5. Start creating the peers: There are default commands for creating up to 6 peers. You can create them like this, in order: make peer1, make peer2, ...

    If you don't want to run the make instructions, run the direct commands like this:

    java -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=server.keys \
         -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=sdisg24 \
         -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=truststore \
         -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=sdisg24 \
         g24.Peer peer2 9050 9050

    This command has two versions:

    1. g24.Peer <peerAp> <ip> <port> for creating a new ring
    2. g24.Peer <peerAp> <ip> <port> <ip_successor> <port_successor> for joining an existing ring
  6. Execute every protocol you want: There are default commands for the files inside the test folder, for example: make backup, make restore3, make delete2, make reclaim5, make state1, ...

  7. Clear all the output files: make clean

  8. Clean the peers storage: make delout