Hide & Seek

Software Product Management 2022

University of Tartu

Group Iron Man Group Iron Man

  • Eduardo Brito
  • Elizaveta Nikolaeva
  • Dariya Nagashibayeva
  • Ziya Mammadov


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Case 4

This project assignment is for students who prefer to develop an app. Your task is to create an app for playing a hide-and-seek game in a geographical area (e.g., Tartu).

The MVP features for the app are listed below. Note that these are suggestions. You are free to modify them if you find it necessary. For instance, remember that the UI does not have to be perfect, but it should be understandable so people can use the app to play hide-and-seek.

  • Users can log in to the app so that they play the same game.
  • Users can define the hiders (those who hide) and a finder (the person who's looking for the hiders) among the logged-in users
  • Users can select the area they wish to play in (e.g., Annelinn, Tähtvere, Kesklinn, etc.)
  • The finder can see the smaller areas on the map of their hiders (not pins with a specific location but rather bigger circles that depict an approximate location).
  • The finder can often scan the area (frequency to be determined) where s/he currently is to see whether the hiders are around or s/he's gone too far.
  • When the hider is less than 50 m away from the finder, the finder can tag that they have found the hider.

Project Assignment Deliverables

Your task is to deliver two outputs.

  1. A working MVP of the app. We will evaluate the app by playing hide and seek towards the end of the course.
  2. A report that contains the following
    1. Introduction
    2. Presentation of the MVP including motivation for the selected features
    3. Technical description of the app
    4. A roadmap for the next 12 months.

The project assignment can give a maximum of 20 points. The MVP can provide a maximum of 15 points. For total points, it must be an MVP. Defects and anything that does not comply with the concept of MVP will result in the reduction of points. The written report can give a maximum of 5 points. The report’s grading will be based on completeness (all components covered) and quality of the content (how well the components are described and elaborated).