
Chrome extension distinguishing what episodes on Crunchyroll, an anime streaming website, are filler or canon episodes based on data pulled from www.animefillerlist.com. Built using JQuery.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Anime Filler Extension

A Chrome Extension that enables users to quickly identify which episodes in an anime on Crunchyroll are FILLERS using www.animefillerlist.com.

Languages, Software, and Tools

  • JQuery
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Photoshop CS6
  • Git


  • Figure out how to inject html into Crunchyroll's webpage. 8/30/2017
  • Pull data from external animefillerlist website. 8/31/2017
  • Add filler lable to anime episode list view page (wwww.crunchyroll.com/anime-name). 9/1/2017
  • Add click event to update left and right page of episode carousel with filler label. 9/6/2017
  • Improve load times on episode list view. 9/6/2017
  • Publish extension to chrome store. 9/8/2017
  • Fix broken async call bug and released v1.0.0. 8/27/2018
  • Support for http://animefillerepisodes.com.
  • Maybe support for multiple pages on AFL referencing one Crunchyroll anime (multiple seasons).