
This project illustrates a bug with webpack 5 where if you extend a class and use a dynamic property name, you may end up with a broken bundle.

For better context, see bug.mjs and the generated dist/default.js and dist/usedExportsFalse.js.

This will always fail:

class NotExportedExtended extends BaseClass {
    [property.native]() {
        console.log('unexported extended');

This will fail if you don't set usedExports: false:

class NotExportedExtended extends BaseClass {
    [property.native]() {
        console.log('unexported extended');

These work:

class NotExportedNotExtended { // does not extend baseclass
    [property.native]() {
        console.log('unexported unextended');

export class ExportedNotExtended { // does not extend baseclass
    [property.native]() {
        console.log('exported unextended');