
Helper functions and environment for unit testing your Screeps code with Jest.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Environment and helper functions for unit testing your Screeps bot with Jest.


  • All game constants and lodash automatically available in the global scope, when running unit tests
  • Functions for mocking instances of game objects and globals
  • Constructor of RoomPosition already mocked
  • If you're using TypeScript (why wouldn't you?), mocks have fully inferred types and your IDE should autocomplete property names while creating your mocks

How to install it?

yarn add screeps-jest --dev


npm install screeps-jest --save-dev

How to set it up?

// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  testEnvironment: "screeps-jest"
  // ...

How to use it?

// *.spec.ts
import { mockGlobal, mockInstanceOf, mockStructure } from "screeps-jest";

mockGlobal<Game>('Game', {
  time: 123

const creep = mockInstanceOf<Creep>({
  moveTo: () => OK,
  store: {
    getFreeCapacity: () => 0
  transfer: () => ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE

const spawn = mockStructure(STRUCTURE_SPAWN, {
  hits: 5000,
  hitsMax: 5000


Check screeps-typescript-jest-starter for a more complete example of how to use screeps-jest to unit test a Screeps bot in TypeScript.

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue. If you have trouble using screeps-jest, ask on #typescript channel on Screeps' Discord server. I hang out there often, and someone else there might be able to help you also.