
PBP Flutter Assignment

Primary LanguageDart

Assignments 7: Flutter Basic Elements

Stateful vs Stateless Widget

Stateful widget is a widget that can change when a user interacts with it, whereas a stateless widget never changes. Icon, IconButton, and Text are examples of stateless widgets.

Widgets I used in this assignment

  • Padding: Adds padding or empty space around a widget or a bunch of widgets.
  • Row: Aligns children horizontally.
  • Visibility: Sets children visible or not.
  • FloatingActionButton: A circular icon button that hovers over content to promote a primary action in the application.
  • Text: Displays a string of text.

What is the function of setState()? What variables are affected by it?

setState() function is to notify the framework that the internal state of this object has changed which causes the framework to schedule a build for this State object. The variables that are affected by setState() depends on what variable you pass inside the setState() function.

const vs final in Dart?

Both are immutable but you can't use const for a value that is compiled at runtime, so if you want to use const you must know the value at compile time, ex: const a = 1. Therefor, final should be used over const if you don't know the value at compile time, and it will be calculated/grabbed at runtime.


  1. Run flutter create counter_7
  2. Edit lib/main.dart:
    1. Create decreament counter function:

      void _decrementCounter() {
      	setState(() {
      		if (_counter > 0) {
    2. Add logic to GANJIL-GENAP text:

      children: <Widget>[
      	_counter % 2 == 0
      		? const Text('GENAP',
      			style: TextStyle(color: Colors.redAccent))
      		: const Text('GANJIL',
      	style: TextStyle(color: Colors.blueAccent)),
      		style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,
    3. Modify floatingActionButton:

      floatingActionButton: Padding(
      	padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 30),
      	child: Row(
      	mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
      	children: [
      			visible: _counter != 0,
      			child: FloatingActionButton(
      				onPressed: _decrementCounter,
      				tooltip: 'Decrement',
      					_counter == 0 ? Colors.grey : Colors.blueAccent,
      				child: const Icon(Icons.remove),
      			onPressed: _incrementCounter,
      			tooltip: 'Increment',
      			child: const Icon(Icons.add),
      )) // This trailing comma makes auto-formatting nicer for build
    4. git add-commit-push Assignment

Assignment 8: Flutter Form

Navigator.push vs Navigator.pushReplacement

Navigator.push pushes the route into the stack on top of the current page, thereby displaying the second route. Meanwhile, Navigator.pushReplacement replaces the current page with the route you want to push.

Widgets that I used in this assignment

  • DropdownButton: Lets the user select from a number of items.
  • DropdownHideUnderline: Removes Underline from DropdownButton.
  • TextButton: It is a simple Button without any border that listens for onPressed and onLongPress gestures.
  • ListView.builder: Builds the children on demand. This constructor is appropriate for list views with a large (or infinite) number of children.
  • ListTile: Used to populate a ListView in Flutter. It contains title as well as leading or trailing icons.
  • Material: A convenience widget that wraps a number of widgets that are commonly required for applications implementing Material Design.

Events in Flutter

  • onPressed: This callback will be called when the user taps on an object.
  • onTap: Called when the user taps on the render object.
  • onChanged: Called when the user initiates a change to the TextField's or other fields' value.

How Navigator navigate to another page in Flutter

When we navigate to another screen, we use the push methods and Navigator widget adds the new screen onto the top of the stack. Naturally, the pop methods would remove that screen from the stack.


  1. Make drawer.dart that contains DrawerApp that will be used as main's, data_budget's and tambah_budget's drawer to navigate pages.
     drawer: const DrawerApp(),
  2. Make a form that accepts String judul, int nominal, String jenisBudget and date as the inputs in tambah_budget.dart.
  3. Make a Budget class in tambah_budget.dart that accepts the same inputs as the form.
     class Budget {
     	late String judul;
     	late int nominal;
     	late String jenisBudget;
     	late DateTime date;
     		required this.judul, 
     		required this.nominal, 
     		required this.jenisBudget, 
     		required this.date
  4. Make globals.dart that contains global variable budgets which is a list of Budget.
     // globals.dart
     library counter_7.globals;
     import 'package:counter_7/tambah_budget.dart';
     List<Budget> budgets = [];
  5. Show the data in globals.budgets in data_budget.dart using ListView.builder that contains ListTile.
  6. Decorate.

Assignment 9: Web Service Integration in Flutter

Can we fetch a JSON data without making a model first? If yes, is it better than making a model first?

Yes, we can fetch a JSON data without making a model first. We can make a dynamic map from the JSON and access the value like a dictionary in python (data[key]). But it is not recommended as we wouldn't know if there is a missing field or the fields is not what we expect, so I'll be hard to manage and error-prone. That being said, it is obvious that it's not better than making a model first.

Widgets used in this assignment

  • ListTile: Used to populate a ListView in Flutter. It contains title as well as leading or trailing icons.
  • Checkbox: Used to make a clickable checkbox.
  • TextButton: It is a simple Button without any border that listens for onPressed and onLongPress gestures.
  • FutureBuilder: Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future.

How fetching data from json in flutter works

Data is fetched using HTTP in fetchWatchlist function that call the get function by HTTP instances. The function returns the list of MyWatchlist object. FutureBuilder will call the function and wait for its response. When the data is fetched, FutureBuilder returns ListView.builder that builds ListTiles containing the mapped data that we get from fetchWatchlist function.


  1. Create mywatchlist.dart and make a MyWatchlist class.
  2. Create fetch_watchlist.dart and make a function like this to fetch data from the API.
    // fetch_watchlist.dart
     Future<List<MyWatchlist>> fetchWatchlist() async {
     	var url = Uri.parse('https://edutjie-pbp-2.herokuapp.com/mywatchlist/json/');
     	var response = await http.get(
     			headers: {
     				"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
     				"Content-Type": "application/json",
     	// melakukan decode response menjadi bentuk json
     	var data = jsonDecode(utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes));
     	// melakukan konversi data json menjadi object MyWatchlist
     	List<MyWatchlist> listMyWatchlist = [];
     	for (var d in data) {
     		if (d != null) {
     	return listMyWatchlist;
  3. Create my_watchlist.dart and make a MyWatchlistPage StatefulWidget that contains FutureBuilder that fetch data using fetchWatchlist function.
  4. Create my_watchlist_detail.dart and make a MyWatchlistDetailPage StatelessWidget that displays the data that is going to be pass from MyWatchlistPage.
  5. Pass data from MyWatchlistPage to MyWatchlistDetailPage using Navigator.push.
    	  builder: (context) =>
    		movie: snapshot.data![index],
  6. Create CheckBox widget and its onChanged function for Bonus.
    	activeColor: Colors.limeAccent,
    	checkColor: Colors.black,
    	focusColor: Colors.lightGreenAccent,
    	value: snapshot.data![index].fields.watched,
    	onChanged: (bool? value) {
    	  setState(() {
    		snapshot.data![index].fields.watched =