
A GrapghQL wrapper to query the chuck norris API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Chuck Norris apollo-server

This is a GraphQl API that is used to be a wrapper of a Chuck Norris API . This api is intended to be used with this react app Chuck Norris react app. After running the API locally the GraphQL explorer will be available at localhost where you can test the queries and see the returing types. The api return random jokes and lists joke categories all related to the great Chuck Norris


  • Node Js installed at least version 12

How to run the api

  • Clone the repo
  • On the root folder run
    npm install
  • This should install all dependencies
  • Then run
   npm run start
  • The start script will start the API listening on port 4000
  • The API will be accessible through this url <http://localhost:4000/ >
  • Inpect the console you should see this message "🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:4000/"