
POC for implementing the article "RSC from Scratch by Dan Abramov" (https://github.com/reactwg/server-components/discussions/5)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To run this example:

  • yarn
  • yarn start

Features list

  • Add a random background color to the of the page, and add a transition on the background color. When you navigate between the pages, you should see the background color animating.
  • Implement support for fragments (<>) in the RSC renderer. This should only take a couple of lines of code, but you need to figure out where to place them and what they should do.
  • Once you do that, change the blog to format the blog posts as Markdown using the component from react-markdown. Yes, our existing code should be able to handle that!
  • The react-markdown component supports specifying custom implementations for different tags. For example, you can make your own Image component and pass it as <Markdown components={{ img: Image }}>. Write an Image component that measures the image dimensions (you can use some npm package for that) and automatically emits width and height.
  • Add a comment section to each blog post. Keep comments stored in a JSON file on the disk. You will need to use to submit the comments. As an extra challenge, extend the logic in client.js to intercept form submissions and prevent reloading the page. Instead, after the form submits, refetch the page JSX so that the comment list updates in-place. Pressing the Back button currently always refetches fresh JSX. Change the logic in client.js so that Back/Forward navigation reuses previously cached responses, but clicking a link always fetches a fresh response. This would ensure that pressing Back and Forward always feels instant, similar to how the browser treats full-page navigations.
  • When you navigate between two different blog posts, their entire JSX gets diffed. But this doesn't always make sense — conceptually, these are two different posts. For example, if you start typing a comment on one of them, but then press a link, you don't want that comment to be preserved just because the input is in the same location. Can you think of a way to solve this? (Hint: You might want to teach the Router component to treat different pages with different URLs as different components by wrapping the {page} with something. Then you'd need to ensure this "something" doesn't get lost over the wire.)
  • The format to which we serialize JSX is currently very repetitive. Do you have any ideas on how to make it more compact? You can check a production-ready RSC framework like Next.js App Router, or our official non-framework RSC demo for inspiration. Even without implementing streaming, it would be nice to at least represent the JSX elements in a more compact way.
  • Imagine you wanted to add support for Client Components to this code. How would you do it? Where would you start?