
An easy, single file C++ program to control Raspberry-Pi GPIO pins directly or within other programs.

Primary LanguageC++

simple-raspberry-gpio is for those who want simple control of Raspberry-Pi GPIO pins without spending time setting up dependencies.

This is a single file C++ program that does not need additional libraries, making it easy to install and use. After a simple setup, you will be able to manually control GPIO pins through command-line interface (terminal) or include it in other programs such as Bash, Python, C++, Crontab, SSH, etc.

Do not use this program for high-speed control of GPIO pins, give it at least 0.1 seconds to execute, PWM is not supported.

How to use

After installing, you will be able to control GPIO pins in command-line interface (terminal) following this fashion:



  • export [PIN_NUMBER] - a pin must be exported before use, otherwise it will not work.
  • unexport [PIN_NUMBER] - sets output to 0 and pin mode to in, then unexports it. Although not obligatory, it is recommended to do this if a pin is no longer used.
  • getmode [PIN_NUMBER] - prints pin mode to console as either in or out.
  • setmode [PIN_NUMBER] [ in | out ] - sets pin mode.
  • read [PIN_NUMBER] - prints pin value to console as either 0 or 1.
  • write [PIN_NUMBER] [ low | high ] - sets pin output value.


simplegpio export 22
simplegpio getmode 22
simplegpio setmode 22 out
simplegpio write 22 high
simplegpio write 22 low
simplegpio setmode 22 in
simplegpio read 22
simplegpio unexport


Download this repository to your Raspberry-Pi either directly from github or using command-line git, then enter it:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/edvinsmineikis/simple-raspberry-gpio.git
cd simple-raspberry-gpio

Compile the program:

sudo g++ gpio_control.cpp -o /bin/simplegpio

Now you can safely remove the downloaded files to declutter home directory, program is already installed:

cd ..
rm -rf simple-raspberry-gpio


If you wish to uninstall this program, simply run:

sudo rm /bin/simplegpio