Low level programming projects based in C language
Project Directory | Summary |
0x00-hello-world | First scripst using C |
0x01-variables_if_else_while | Scripst using If, Else and While Conditionals |
0x02-functions_nested_loops | Introduction to nested loops |
0x03-debugging | Framework to efficient debugging |
0x04-more_functions_nested_loops | More complex nested loops scripts |
0x05-pointers_arrays_strings | Intoduction to pointers and arrays |
0x06-pointers_arrays_strings | Extend exercises of pointer and arrays |
0x07-pointers_arrays_strings | Pt2 of project 0x06 |
0x08-recursion | Scripst to implement recursion in nested loops |
0x09-static_libraries | Static libraries management and implementation of them |
0x0A-argc_argv | Calculator project using argc and argv |
0x0B-mallloc_free | Intorduction to malloc and valgrind use |
0x0C-more_malloc_free | Complex malloc implementation in C |
0x0D-preprocessor | Scripts to understand prepocessor |
0x0E-structures_typedef | Implementation of structures typedef |
0x0F-function_pointers | Scripts to implement function pointers in data structures |
0x10-variadic_functions | Scripts of variadic functions |
0x12-singly_linked_lists | Single linked list scripts |
0x13-more_singly_linked_lists | Profundization on the behaviour of single linked lists |
0x14-bit_manipulation | Script using bit manipulation |
0x15_file_io | Understanding fileI/O |
0x17-doubly_linked_lists | Implementation of scripts using double single linked lists |
0x18-dinamyc_libraries | Scripts using dinamyc libraries |
0x19-stacks_queues_lifo_fifo | Data structures FIlo and FIFO in C |
0x1A-hash_tables | Mapnipulation and implementation of hash tables using C |
0x1B-sorting_algorithms | Implementation of sorting algorithms |
0x1C-makefiles | Make files scipts made in C |
0x1D-binary_trees | Scripts of binary tress algoritmhs |
0x1E-search_algorithms | Scripts to implement search algorithms |
This repository used the following main stack:
Tool/Library |
Emacs |
Git |
Github |
Bash |
Betty_linter |
Valgrind |
GCC compiler |
Vagrant |
Ubuntu 16.04 |