
This repo contains several projects focused in machine learning, since the creation of ml algos using numpy, modeling neural networks, object detection and face verification features to implement transfer learning with TF in applied ML models.

Primary LanguagePython

Holbertonschool-machine_learning 🤖


Machine Learning projects for real case scenarios Support libraries and tools: Numpy, TensorFlow, Keras, Pandas, Matplotlib

Projects inside this repo 🚲

Project Directory Summary
math/0x00-linear_algebra Linear Algebra scripts in python
math/0x01-plotting Plotting graphics with Matplot lib
math/0x02-calculus Python calculus scripts
math/0x03-probability Python probability and statistics scripts
math/0x04-convolutions_and_pooling Python scripts of conolutions and pooling operations
supervised_learning/0x00-binary_classification Binary calssification scripts of Neural Networks and DNN using OOP
supervised_learning/0x01-multiclass_classification Multiclass calssification of NN using OOP paradigm
supervised_learning/0x02-tensorflow Tensor Flow scripts for binary and multiclass DNN models
supervised_learning/0x03-optimization Optimization algorithms made in python for DNN
supervised_learning/0x04-error_analysis Error analysis scripts for monitoring error in DNN models
supervised_learning/0x05-regularization Python scripts for regularization ML DNN models to avoid overfitting
supervised_learning/0x06-keras Keras scripts for implement DNN models
supervised_learning/0x07-cnn Tensor Flow, Keras and Python scripts for create CNN models
supervised_learning/0x08-deep_cnns Building 5 of the most disruptives Deep neural network architectures
supervised_learning/0x09-transfer_learning Transfer learning application using densenet-121 in CIFAR-10 with keras (other architectures in aux dir)
supervised_learning/0x10-nlp_metrics Implementation of evaluation and monitoring metrics for NLP applications
supervised_learning/0x11-attention Attention mechanisms scripts for NLP nd RNN applications
supervised_learning/0x12-transformer_apps Transformer applications using TensorFlow v2
supervised_learning/0x0A-object_detection Object detection application using YOLOv3 algorithm from scratch
supervised_learning/0x0B-face_verification Facial recognition application using dlib and open-cv Python
supervised_learning/0x0D-RNNs Recurrent neural networks implementation applying GRU, LSTM and BRNN architectures
supervised_learning/0x0E-time_series Application to forecast and create a prediction for the price of a currency exchange in a certain period of time
supervised_learning/0x0F-word_embeddings Second part of NLP project where some scripts using Word2vec and Glove are used for an NLP application
unsupervised_learning/0x00-dimensionality_reduction Single value decomposition, t-SNE and dimensionality reduction algotrithms implementation
unsupervised_learning/0x01-clustering Several implementation of clustering algorithms from scratch such as k-means, EM, GMM, and Hierarchical clustering
unsupervised_learning/0x02-hmm Hidden Markov Models implementation with python
unsupervised_learning/0x03-hyperparameter_tuning Application that creates custom and efficient hyperparameter tuning for any neural networks using GPy and GPyOpt
unsupervised_learning/0x04-autoencoders Autoencoding implementation for GAN's or dimensionality reduction
reinforcement_learning/0x00-q_learning Skimming reinforment learning concepts by creating a simple game agent
reinforcement_learning/0x01-deep_q_learning Part two of reinforcemnt learning this time leading the game agent implementation with keras RL for an Atari game space invaders
pipeline/0x00-pandas Pandas sripts for preprocessing ML models
pipeline/0x01-apis Scripts for HTTP requests using github API, SpaceX API (unofficial), StarWars API

Stack 📚

This repository used the following main stack:

Pycharm Pro
VS Code