
miniscope is a code explorer, powered by cscope and Golang. Inspired by OpenGrok.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Go Report Card MIT License

miniscope is a code explorer, powered by cscope and Golang. This is inspired by code search and cross reference engine like OpenGrok.

It comes as a single, batteries-included, static binary. No need to install OpenGrok, all you need is to install cscope beforehand.


  • HTML interface for cscope
  • Colors! Syntax highlighting!
  • Easy to use and install
  • No dependencies or external files needed -- apart from the single binary
  • Uses your existing cscope database
  • Automatically creates cscope index if not found

This is a screenshot of query results, all cscope query types are supported.

Results screenshot

Another screenshot of viewing a file, syntax highlighting is enabled for common file types.

View screenshot


Prebuilt binaries

Available for Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Darwin (x86_64)


Execute miniscope from a directory with a cscope.out file, or specify it on the command line:

miniscope --path $HOME/src/project/ --addr ":8080"


Building from source

Make sure you have Go 1.5 or greater installed.

go install github.com/edwardchoh/miniscope/cmd/miniscope

Whenever assets have changed, assets.go need to be generated.

go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
go generate ./...

Multi-architecture compilation

GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 go build -o miniscope-freebsd-amd64 -x cmd/miniscope/main.go


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