
Static WPF views for elmish programs.

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WPF done the Elmish Way

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The good parts of MVVM (the data bindings) with the simplicity and robustness of an MVU architecture for the rest of your app. Never write a ViewModel class again!

Elevator pitch

Elmish.WPF is a production-ready library that allows you to write WPF apps with the robust, simple, well-known, and battle-tested MVU architecture, while still allowing you to use all your XAML knowledge and tooling to create UIs.

Some benefits of MVU you’ll get with Elmish.WPF is:

  • Simple-to-understand, unidirectional data flow
  • Single source of truth for all the state in your app
  • Simple async/IO
  • Immutable data
  • Pure functions
  • Great testability
  • Simple optimization
  • 78% more rockets 🚀

Even with static views, your central model/update code can follow an idiomatic Elmish/MVU architecture. You could, if you wanted, use the same model/update code to implement an app using a dynamic UI library such as Fabulous or Fable.React, by just rewriting the “U” part of MVU.

Static XAML views is a feature, not a limitation. See the FAQ for several unique benefits to this approach!

Elmish.WPF uses Elmish, an F# implementation of the MVU message loop.


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Thanks to JetBrains for sponsoring Elmish.WPF with OSS licenses!

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Getting started with Elmish.WPF

See the SingleCounter sample for a very simple app. The central points are:

  1. Create an F# Console Application targeting .NET 4.6.1 or later (you can create a Windows application, but the core Elmish logs are currently only written to the console).

  2. Add References to PresentationCore, PresentationFramework, and WindowsBase.

  3. Add NuGet reference to package Elmish.WPF.

  4. Define the model that describes your app’s state and a function that initializes it:

    type Model =
      { Count: int
        StepSize: int }
    let init () =
      { Count = 0
        StepSize = 1 }
  5. Define the various messages that can change your model:

    type Msg =
      | Increment
      | Decrement
      | SetStepSize of int
  6. Define an update function that takes a message and a model and returns an updated model:

    let update msg m =
      match msg with
      | Increment -> { m with Count = m.Count + m.StepSize }
      | Decrement -> { m with Count = m.Count - m.StepSize }
      | SetStepSize x -> { m with StepSize = x }
  7. Define the “view” function using the Bindings module. This is the central public API of Elmish.WPF. Normally this function is called view and would take a model and a dispatch function (to dispatch new messages to the update loop) and return the UI (e.g. a HTML DOM to be rendered), but in Elmish.WPF this function simply sets up bindings that XAML-defined views can use. Therefore, let’s call it bindings instead of view. In order to be compatible with Elmish it needs to have the same signature, but in many (most?) cases the model and dispatch parameters will be unused:

    open Elmish.WPF
    let bindings model dispatch =
        "CounterValue" |> Binding.oneWay (fun m -> m.Count)
        "Increment" |> Binding.cmd (fun m -> Increment)
        "Decrement" |> Binding.cmd (fun m -> Decrement)
        "StepSize" |> Binding.twoWay
          (fun m -> float m.StepSize)
          (fun newVal m -> int newVal |> SetStepSize)

    The strings identify the binding names to be used in the XAML views. The Binding module has many functions to create various types of bindings.

  8. Create a WPF user control library project to hold you XAML files, add a reference to this project from your Elmish project, and define your views and bindings in XAML:

      <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding CounterValue}" />
        <Button Command="{Binding Decrement}" Content="-" />
        <Button Command="{Binding Increment}" Content="+" />
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding StepSize}" />
        <Slider Value="{Binding StepSize}" TickFrequency="1" Minimum="1" Maximum="10" />
  9. Add the entry point to your console project:

    open System
    open Elmish
    [<EntryPoint; STAThread>]
    let main argv =
      Program.mkSimple init update bindings
      |> Program.runWindow (MainWindow())

    Program.runWindow will instantiate an Application and set the window’s DataContext to the bindings you defined.

  10. Profit! :)

For more complicated examples and other Binding functions, see the samples.


Static views? Isn’t that just a half-baked solution that only exists due to a lack of better alternatives?

Not at all! 🙂

It’s true that static views aren’t as composable as dynamic views. It’s also true that at the time of writing, there are no solid, production-ready dynamic UI libraries for WPF (though there are no lack of half-finished attempts or proof-of-concepts: Elmish.WPF.Dynamic, Skylight, Uil). Heck, it’s even true that Elmish.WPF was originally created with static views due to the difficulty of creating a dynamic UI library, as described in issue #1.

However, Elmish.WPF’s static-view-based solution has several unique benefits:

  • You can use your existing XAML and MVVM knowledge (that is, the best part of MVVM – the UI bindings – without having to deal with NavigationServices, ViewModelLocators, state synchronization, INotifyPropertyChanged, etc.)
  • Huge mindshare – there are tons of relevant XAML and MVVM resources on the net which can help with the UI and data binding part if you get stuck
  • Automatic support for all 3rd party WPF UI libraries like MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit, since it just uses XAML and bindings (support for 3rd party libraries is commonly a major pain point for dynamic UI solutions)
  • You can use the XAML designer (including design-time data binding)
  • Automatically puts all the power of WPF at your fingertips, whereas dynamic UI solutions have inherent limitations that are not easy to work around

In short, for WPF apps, a solution based on static XAML views is currently the way to go.

Do I have to use the project structure outlined above?

Not at all. The above example, as well as the samples, keep everything in a single project for simplicity (the samples have the XAML definitions in separate projects for technical reasons). For more complex apps, you might want to consider a more clear separation of UI and core logic. An example would be the following structure:

  • A core library containing the model definitions and update functions.
    • This library can include a reference to Elmish (e.g. for the Cmd module helpers), but not to Elmish.WPF, which depends on certain WPF UI assemblies and has a UI-centred API (specifying bindings). This will ensure your core logic (such as the update function) is free from any UI concerns, and allow you to re-use the core library should you want to port your app to another Elmish-based solution (e.g. Fable.React).
  • An entry point project that contains the bindings (or view) function and the call to Program.runWindow.
    • This project would reference the core library and Elmish.WPF.
  • A view project containing the XAML-related stuff (windows, user controls, behaviors, etc.).
    • This could also be part of the entry point project, but if you’re using the new project format (like the samples in this repo), this might not work properly until .NET Core 3.0.

How can I test commands? What is the CmdMsg pattern?

Since the commands (Cmd<Msg>) returned by init and update are lists of functions, they are not particularly testable. A general pattern to get around this is to replace the commands with pure data that are transformed to the actual commands elsewhere:

  • Create a CmdMsg union type with cases for each command you want to execute in the app.
  • Make init and update return model * CmdMsg list instead of model * Cmd<Msg>. Since init and update now return data, they are much easier to test.
  • Create a trivial/too-boring-to-test cmdMsgToCmd function that transforms a CmdMsg to the corresponding Cmd.
  • Finally, create “normal” versions of init and update that you can use when creating Program. Elmish.WPF provides Program.mkProgramWpfWithCmdMsg that does this for you (but there’s no magic going on – it’s really easy to do yourself).

For more information, see the Fabulous documentation. For reference, here is the discussion that led to this pattern.

Can I instantiate Application myself?

Yes, just do it before calling Program.runWindow and it will automatically be used. You might need this if you have application-wide resources in a ResourceDictionary, which might require you to instantiate the application before instantiating the main window you pass to Program.runWindow.

Can I use design-time view models?

Yes. You need to structure your code so you have some place in your code that satisfies the following requirements:

  • Must be able to instantiate a model and the associated bindings
  • Must be reachable by the XAML views

There, use ViewModel.designInstance to create a view model instance that your XAML can use at design-time:

module MyAssembly.DesignViewModels
let myVm = ViewModel.designInstance myModel myBindings

Then use the following attributes wherever you need a design VM:

    d:DataContext="{x:Static vm:DesignViewModels.myVm}">

Project code must of course be enabled in the XAML designer for this to work.

Can I open new windows/dialogs?

Sure! Just use Binding.subModelWin. It works like Binding.subModel, but has a WindowState wrapper around the returned model to control whether the window is closed, hidden, or visible. You can use both modal and non-modal windows/dialogs, and everything is a part of the Elmish core loop. Check out the NewWindow sample.

Can I bind to events and use behaviors?

Sure! Check out the EventBindingsAndBehaviors sample. Note that you have to install the NuGet package Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.